Proving The Existence Of God In 2 Minutes

The evidence to prove the existence of God is clear, apparent, and self evident by scientific and cosmological facts of the universe and the extant empirical evidence of the historical record.

The following 10 points are sufficient evidence to empirically prove that God exists in the person of Jesus Christ, who is the Creator of all that exists. He came to earth in the form of a man to suffer and die for the sins of the world, and rose again from the dead on the third day, according to the predictions of the Messianic Prophecies.

These 10 points can be read and understood in less than 2 minutes.

  1. The universe came into existence suddenly, when nothing existed prior. It was precisely controlled to exact a specific outcome so that life could be possible much later. This is evidence of action by an intelligence, not random acts. See the scientific evidence that intelligence was necessary for the universe to exist.
  2. The fundamentals which allow life to exist, began to take place at -430th of a second during the conception of the universe. These events required intervention by an outside force: Balance of gravity and electromagnetism, extreme low state of entropy, controlled expansion, balance of electrons and protons precisely set, the amount of strong and weak nuclear force precisely set, over 30 Anthropic Constants for our solar system which must all be present and in place at once in order for life to exist and be sustained on earth. These fundamentals are not possible by an evolutionary process, defining them as caused, proving a creator. See the scientific evidence that God created the universe.
  3. The scientific evidence which exists today proves that life only comes from pre existent life, not by random processes. There is no evidence in existence which proves that life began by spontaneous generation or by an evolutionary process. This leaves us with only one remaining conclusion; that life was created by an immensely powerful and intelligent being. See the scientific evidence for God as Creator of the universe.
  4. Although Chimpanzees and human beings share about 95% of their DNA sequence and about 99% of their coding DNA sequences, there is at least a 40 million base pair difference separating the genetic code between apes and humans. This makes the chance of creating a living, missing link, impossible. Man exists as distinct amongst all other creatures and his mind, self awareness, and cognitive abilities distinguish us as unique and made for a purpose. In the first book of the Bible, God describes the moment when He determined to create human beings and make us like Himself. We can understand a little of who God is by certain characteristics that we possess. Like God, we have the ability to create things of beauty, items useful for life, and wonderful blessings which make our lives better. Similar to God, we extract a certain degree of pleasure from things we create or accomplish. When God finished making the universe, He felt pleasure, and said, “It is good.” Our existence as human beings is proof that God exists, for we are like Him and are aware of Him innately. See the evidence that evolution of “kinds” is not possible.
  5. The historical record has preserved the life of an individual known as Jesus of Nazareth who claimed to be God, who performed all the necessary proofs required to prove that He is God. The existence of God is proven by Jesus’ arrival on earth. See the historical evidence for the reliability of the New Testament.
  6. Jesus stated repeatedly that He is the Eternal God to such a high degree of certainty that the religious leaders of Israel condemned Him to death for claiming that He was equal to God. See the evidence that Jesus is Yahweh-God.
  7. Jesus was crucified and rose from the dead, as documented by records which pass every criteria of critical literary scrutiny, and over 2,000 years of historical preservation, existing today just as they were originally written. See the evidence that proves the historical reliability of Jesus’ resurrection.
  8. Jesus claimed to be the fulfillment of over 400 Hebrew prophecies which predict and describe the Messiah by precisely performing every event required by these prophecies. The idea that any one human being could accomplish this impossible task is beyond mathematical possibility. See the 400 Messianic Prophecies Jesus fulfilled.
  9. The events of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection are also preserved for us in the records of the Roman Senate and Jewish Talmud, both hostile to Jesus and His cause and having no interest in preserving a record of His existence. This secular record supports and confirms the records of the New Testament and makes it certain that the New Testament accounts of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection are reliable and historically accurate accounts. See the secular, historical, evidence for Jesus.
  10. History proves that the death and resurrection of Jesus were real events by the shear volume of extant evidence that has survived time and decay. More lives, cultures, governments and the entire course of human existence were drastically altered because of the presence of Jesus of Nazareth on earth than any other person in this history of the world. God’s existence is proven by the facts of Jesus Christ. See the Historical evidence that proves Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection really happened.

Items 5-10, are supported by evidence provided at THIS LINK

See Also:

Categories: 10 Lists, Archeological Confirmation, Atheists, Evolution of Species, Historical Validity of the New Testament, Literary authenticity of the New Testament, Not understanding salvation, Origin of the Universe, Physical Constants, Prophecies Fulfilled by Jesus, Resurrection Proven by Secular Sources, Robert Clifton Robinson, Salvation through Jesus, Science and the Bible, Tacitus as a credible witness, The Four Gospels, The Historical Jesus, The Historical Jesus, The Miracles of Jesus, The Resurrection, The Resurrection of Jesus

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2 replies

  1. Number 1) When the universe “came into existence” as you stated it you are using your intuition to form a conclusion, which isn’t how science works. I know why you think that, our brains are wired to see pattern, and we creat things to have a purpose. So when we look at nature and see everything working with harmony we want to think that was “placed” there, even if we do not have any evidence to back up that claim.
    Number 2) Again intuition is coming into play. Because the universe works we must have a god isn’t a good argument.
    Number 3) This one gave me I little bit of a difficult time, but then I remembered that we have backwards engineered DNA. Then we have seen bacteria which started with one trait over many generations in a dish grow more tails and change it’s behavior of movement.
    Number 4) For self awareness we have seen dolphins using a moral code, and if that’s not self awareness then I don’t know what is. And for cognitive abilities we put a gold fish in a maze over and over again and seen the time it takes to do the maze dramatically decrease. And by an evolutionary stand point doing something, anything is more times then not better than doing nothing at all. That’s why we have dopamine rush when we accomplish something. If we don’t then we won’t want to do anything and die.
    Number 5) I would love to see the proof because if it’s word testimony then I don’t count that. If it’s the bible then I also don’t count that.
    Number 6) My friend claims to be god almost a scary amount. Not even to make a joke. He truly believes he’s god. But that don’t make him the big ethereal sky daddy.
    Number 7) The language used to write in them had been dead for a while. So even if we were to translate them we wouldn’t even know if our translation were accurate.
    Number 8) He claimed to have. And apparently his argument wasn’t that good cause it didn’t even convert all the jews.
    Number 9) This one has no reliance. So what it could’ve been put there as a joke. Or more likely some Christian put it in a place where no one would find it till many years later.
    Number 10) And the entire course of earth were changed by Hitler but that doesn’t mean god exists. Being influential doesn’t make you god or price god exists.


    • ________________________________________

      Your Answer, Number 1) When the universe “came into existence” as you stated it you are using your intuition to form a conclusion, which isn’t how science works. I know why you think that, our brains are wired to see pattern, and we creat things to have a purpose. So when we look at nature and see everything working with harmony we want to think that was “placed” there, even if we do not have any evidence to back up that claim.


Your Answer, Number 2) Again intuition is coming into play. Because the universe works we must have a god isn’t a good argument.

      Stephen, it is not my “intuition” that the universe came into being. The scientific explanation for the origin of the universe is that it began as a “singularity.” This means that prior to the commencement of the universe, there was nothing. No time, space, or matter. During the initial picoseconds of matter expanding, even the laws of physics did not exist. In spite of the absence of laws, extreme control was being exercised over how matter moved out from its initial expansion.

      The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that disorder always increases with time. The universe must have had a beginning. If it were eternal, then the state of equilibrium between heat and cold would have already become equal, and complete disorder would exist.

      According to Theoretical Physicist, Stephen Hawking, before the singularity of the universe, all the laws of physics break down and cease to exist. This requires that the universe, in its state immediately after it began, could not depend upon anything that happened before that moment. In essence, the laws of physics were non-existence prior to the universe, and did not determine how it began nor its initial process.

      When the universe began, it doubled in size in one millionth of a second. This rate of expansion was nearly a trillion, trillion times faster than it is expanding today. This gives us an idea just how fast these processes were taking place.

      We know that in these microseconds, the universe was not unguided, as the processes necessary to cause an extreme low state of entropy could not happen by chance. The balance between electromagnetism and gravity are set so precisely, and took place so quickly that extreme control was necessary.

      By the time that one full second had transpired, the expansion rate of the universe had slowed to a trillionth of what it was at one microsecond. Gravitation was acting as a braking system to slow the expansion due to the remarkable state of compression for all the matter of the universe at that time.

      Hawking said that this process, in the first seconds of the universe, was not guided by the laws of Physics but by something else that determined these processes and how it began. This tells us that these critically important events that had no natural guiding process were being directed by something greater than the power that existed in time, space, and matter.

      This leaves us with only one explanation: The universe came into existence by an intelligence that is transcendent, infinite, and unlimited.

      Gravity And Relativity

      When the universe began, the ratio between gravity and electromagnetism were balanced precisely. In order to understand the importance of gravity during the commencement of the universe and how this ratio was set precisely to ensure a life-sustaining universe, we must investigate the circumstances that surrounded this event.

      During the initial moments of the universe at 10-43 seconds, had the ratio between gravity and electromagnetism increased by just 1:1040, only very small stars would have formed. If this ratio was decreased by the same amount, only very large stars would have formed. Human beings were created from carbon. Carbon is produced by second generation stars.

      Archimedes estimated that 1×1063  grains of sand could fit into the entire cosmos.

      In a universe that is 75 percent filled with grains of sand (1:1040), which is the balance between gravity to electromagnetism, change this balance of gravity to electromagnetism by just one grain of sand, there would be no people on earth.

      This illustration helps us understand how a small change in the ratio between gravity and electromagnetism, at the start of the universe, would have ended any chance that our universe could have produced stars that would later make life possible.

      Since there were no physical laws in existence at that time, what controlled this ratio? There is no chance that this happened by accident. This leaves only one possibility—it happened on purpose. Purposeful engineering to exact outcomes is only possible by intelligent beings.

      In order for the life on earth to be possible much later, at the beginning of the universe, this fine balance between electromagnetism and gravity must be set precisely so that both large and small stars will be present in the universe.

      Large stars produce the elements needed for life; smaller stars burn at the precise rate required to sustain life on a planet like earth.

      If gravity was any stronger at the early formation of the universe, all stellar matter would bind stronger and smaller stars would use their nuclear fuel at a drastically increased rate, eliminating small stars and making life impossible on earth later. If gravity was any weaker at the beginning, matter would not have clumped together to form much larger structures that would later become stars, and no life would exist on earth today.

      The existence of this very narrow ratio between gravity and electromagnetism helps us understand how impossible this environment was at the beginning of the universe.

      The fact that this precise ratio was dialed in exactly where it needed to be, for life to be possible on earth nearly 9 billion years later, demands that this ratio was purposely determined before the universe began.

      God, knowing the correct ratio between gravity and electromagnetism, set this precisely where it needed to be. This extremely narrow margin that was established at the beginning of the universe makes it impossible that this precise ratio could have taken place by any natural or undirected process.

      This is scientific and empirical evidence that allows us to confidently conclude that God was necessary for the universe to exist and human life to be present on earth today.

      The universe exists by physical laws which allow us to understand how it exists. These laws do not, at their basic premise, tell us why it exists. Many people have the idea that science understands why the universe came into being in the first place; they do not.

      There are several naturalistic explanations which the average person cannot understand, but sound quite intellectual. When we take time to try and understand what scientists are saying about the origin of the universe, we discover shocking realities.

      First and most important, all theories for the origin of the universe by a natural process originate from hypothesis that exists only in the theoretical. Mathematical calculations have determined that other universes could exist, which have produced our universe.

      The problem with these hypothesis is that they cannot be proven by observation because we cannot see beyond our present universe. All of the evidence that science does have shows that our universe came into existence suddenly, when nothing else existed.

      These are the facts of science.

      Using only the observable scientific evidence that we do have, and absent a natural cause; the universe came into existence because it was caused.

      If it was caused, there must be a supernatural source that is transcendent time, space, and matter because these three did not exist prior to the commencement of the universe.

      The physical laws which allow us to understand the universe and govern its function also did not exist before the universe began. As I have previously mentioned, the world’s leading Physicist, Stephen Hawking, said that in the first moments of the universe, there were no physical laws to govern its beginning. Although we can determine that the first microsecond of the universe was controlled to exact a specific outcome, it was not the laws of physics which controlled these processes.

      What, then, was the governing power which allowed the universe to begin?
      These actions of the universe at its inception and the laws which ensued afterwards stand as empirical evidence of intelligence that allows the universe to function and exist in an orderly fashion, and continue to permit life to exist on earth.


      One of the baffling questions in the study of the initial moments of the Big Bang is why we have a universe which is clearly designed for life instead of one which would make life impossible. Given the parameters which were present during the first moments of the universe, a vastly different result would be expected. The fine-tuning of the universe, which existed at the beginning of the Big Bang, was so essential for life, that even the basic element of carbon—of which all human beings are made—would not exist had the universe began by any other process.

      “It has been frequently argued that there are many curious coincidences in the relations between the constants of Nature upon which life on Earth seems to depend…One of the most striking of such apparent coincidences was revealed with William Fowler’s confirmation of Fred Hoyle’s remarkable prediction of the existence of a particular energy level of carbon which, had it not existed, would have meant that the production of heavy elements in stars would not have been able to proceed beyond carbon, leaving the planets devoid of nitrogen, oxygen, chlorine, sodium, sulphur, and numerous other elements.”  —Roger Penrose, mathematical physicist, mathematician and philosopher of science.

      This indicates that all of the “coincidences” in the origin of the universe were actually designed, engineered, and constructed in the precise manner necessary for life on earth much later.

      In concluding his estimation of how the universe began, Dr. Penrose moves towards the “miraculous” as the most reasonable explanation for the unique and precise early state of the Big Bang.

      “If we do not assume the Second Law, or that the universe originated in some extraordinarily special initial state, or something else of this general nature, then we cannot use the ‘improbability’ of the existence of life as a premise for a derivation of a Second Law that is operative at times earlier than the present. No matter how curious and non-intuitive it may seem, the production of life would (if we do not make a prior assumption of the Second Law) be far less probable to come about by natural means—be it by natural selection or any by other seemingly ‘natural’ process—than by a ‘miraculous’ creation simply out of random collisions of the constituent particles!”

      Since a state of extremely low entropy at the beginning of the Big Bang was a primary component in the formation of the early universe—this stands as empirical evidence for design. This initial low entropy most certainly did not happen by chance, as the natural state of the initial universe should have exhibited a very high degree of disorder. The fact that the universe began by a great deal of organization, controlled to exact a specific result that would permit life billions of years later, these details demand an intelligent source.

      We should remember that the specific type of universe which developed during the hundred trillion-trillion-trillionth of a second of the initial expansion of the universe were critically controlled by forces unknown to scientists today. From this point and continuing throughout the expansion of the universe, this control has been continually ordered in such a way that life would be possible in one specific Galaxy, one Solar System, and one planet. At the formation of earth, this design continued in directing the absolute necessary constants of the Solar System and the earth, which would allow human life to dwell upon its surface, and prosper.

      Why Extremely Low Entropy?

      Entropy is the rate of heat loss associated with the specific degree of randomness or disorder within a system. In the beginning of the universe there was an unusually low level of disorder related to heat loss, intimating strict control being instituted, which permitted a specific outcome. The universe should not have come into being with a very low rate of entropy. Given the parameters that were present at the commencement of the universe, there was a great degree of certainty that it would have begun with a very high rate of degradation.

      Penrose determined that the presence of an extremely low level of entropy at the Big Bang is indicative of engineering, rather than random fortuity. The probability that this condition would have been present during the initial expansion of the universe is 1 in 10 to 10123.
      In his book, “Cycles of Time, An Extraordinary New View of the Universe,” Dr. Penrose describes the existence of low entropy as an essential precursor to life—from the first moments the universe began.

      “The entire fabric of life on Earth requires the maintaining of a profound and subtle organization, which undoubtedly involves entropy being kept at a low level.”

      “Let us return to the basic question that we have been trying to address in this part, namely the issue of how our universe happened to come about with a Big Bang that was so extraordinarily special—yet special in what appears to have been a very peculiar way where, with regard to gravity, its entropy was enormously low in comparison with what it might have been, but the entropy was close to maximum in every other respect.”

      Dr. Penrose illustrates the high degree of impossibility in which the universe was likely to begin with extremely low entropy, by calculating the results of the present universe in reverse, back to the moment the Big Bang began, revealing that the actual level of entropy should have been very high.

      “We can get some appreciation of this if we imagine the time-reversed context of a collapsing universe, since this collapse, if taken in accordance with the Second Law, ought to lead us to a singular state of genuinely high entropy.”

      In fact, the chance that the precise universe we observe—which began with extremely low entropy—was so astronomically remote, it could not have occurred by chance. In the words of Dr. Penrose, the existence of this condition requires a completely new theoretical explanation.

      “The probability of finding ourselves in a universe of such a degree of specialness, if it had come about just by chance, has the utterly absurdly tiny value of around is 1 in 10 to 10124, irrespective of inflation. This is the kind of figure that needs some completely different kind of theoretical explanation!”

      The way in which the early universe began, under such a low level of entropy, is one of the most puzzling and important questions of science and mathematics today. Described as “aimed with incredible precision,” this defines the origin of the universe as having a supernatural beginning rather than by natural phenomenon.

      “That picture would have our collapsing pre-Big-Bang phase somehow ‘aimed’ with incredible precision at such a very special ultimate state, of the same extraordinary degree of specialness that we appear to find in our actual Big Bang.”


      At −430 (seconds) planck time, an event described as the “Grand Unification Epoch” took place. Electromagnetism, the strong interaction, and the weak interaction were unified as the electronuclear force; while gravity was separated from the electronuclear force.⁠

      Theoretical Physicist, Alan Guth, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, put forth the idea in the 80’s, that if during the initial moments of the Big Bang (Moment of Creation), the massive expansion of material was not uniform or controlled, the resulting universe would have been quite disorderly.

      Instead, as if by design, a microsecond later, the entire universe jumped in size by ten trillion trillion (1025). It was then that the entire expansion stopped, and a normal rate of expansion began. This rapid and sudden expansion would have “stretched out” the irregularities of the initial disorderly explosion. Once the rapid expansion ceased and a normal rate of expansion started again, the material of the universe could expand into an orderly and even universe.⁠

      What caused the initial sudden expansion, and what force made it cease and stop, only to resume in an orderly fashion?

      Guth’s proposal was that antigravity caused the initial sudden and uneven expansion of matter to be quickly diminished, and cease. In the universe’s initial inflation, the expansion of gases was far too fast to form galaxies later in the universe. This problem was solved by the force exerted by antigravity suddenly halting the initial rapid expansion. Amazingly, this all happened in 10-32 seconds (a hundred trillion-trillion-trillionth of a second).⁠

      If Not Controlled—A Drastically Different Universe

      One of the most startling discoveries in the search for evidence of God in the universe was made by Mathematical Physicist, Sir Roger Penrose. Since the Cosmos has a beginning, we understand today that it is winding itself down to a certain heat death in the distant future, when all the available energy in the universe will be used up in about 10100 years.⁠

      “Try to imagine the phase space… of the entire universe. Each point in this phase space represents a different possible way that the universe might have started off. We are to picture the Creator, armed with a ‘pin’–which is to be placed at some point in the phase space… Each different positioning of the pin provides a different universe. Now the accuracy that is needed for the Creator’s aim depends on the entropy of the universe that is thereby created.

      It would be relatively ‘easy’ to produce a high entropy universe, since then there would be a large volume of the phase space available for the pin to hit. But in order to start off the universe in a state of low entropy – so that there will indeed be a second law of thermodynamics – the Creator must aim for a much tinier volume of the phase space. How tiny would this region be, in order that a universe closely resembling the one in which we actually live would be the result?”

      The calculations of Dr. Penrose determined that when God created the universe, the preciseness required to establish a universe balanced for life would be 1 part in 10 to 10123 power. This is a 1 followed by 10123 zeros. A number that is so large, it is greater than all of the estimated atomic particles of the entire universe.⁠

      Dr. Penrose is saying that the likelihood that a vastly different universe would have occurred from the one that we have was an absolute certainty. Why then do we have a universe that has developed in such a way that it allows for life?

      Many people are under the impression when they hear the term “fine-tuned,” that we are speaking of the earth or our solar system, which was engineered in such a way to make life possible. Not at all. The fine-tuning began in the initial moments of the Big Bang (creation) when at −430 seconds, (Planck time), electromagnetism, the strong interaction, and the weak interaction were unified as the electronuclear force, while gravity separated from the electronuclear force.⁠

      If God had not engineered the precise manner in which the initial expansion of energy unfolded at the beginning of the universe, no stars, galaxies, or planets would have formed. God was working in the moments of one trillion trillion, trillionth of a second to bless our lives—14 billion years into the future. Since He has this capacity to move and work in the trillionth of seconds, it is certain that He is working in all of our lives right now. We can trust Him.

      The fine-tuning of the universe began in the first moment of the universe. God Created a Finely-Tuned Universe Perfect for Life.⁠

      The rate of expansion for the early universe was just right:⁠

      If the energy expansion in that first second was slightly larger, then the gravitational forces necessary to form stars and planets would not have taken place. If the expansion of energy was slightly smaller, the universe would have collapsed back onto itself.

      If the initial expansion of energy was greater than the capacity of gravitational forces to pull all of this matter back together and eventually form galaxies and stars, life, many billions of years later, would not have been possible. Mathematical physicists have calculated that during the first second of the universe, the expansion of energy and gravitational forces differed by less than 1 part in a million, billion, or 1015.⁠

      The amount of weak nuclear force was just right:

      The ratio of protons and neutrons was perfect to allow helium to form that would be needed to form stars later.

      The amount of strong nuclear force was just right

      This allowed helium to burn precisely, slow enough that elements could form.

      The ratio of gravity to electromagnetism are balanced precisely.

      If the ratio between gravity and electromagnetism was increased by only 1 in 1040, only very small stars would have formed. If the ratio were decreased by the same amount, only very large stars would have formed.

      In order for life to be possible, there must be both large and small stars present in the universe. Large stars produce the elements needed for life; small stars burn at the precise rate required to sustain life on planets like earth.

      Physicist and cosmologist, Paul Davies, calculated that the chance this balance could have happened by accident is 1-in-1040.

      Try to imagine shooting, from earth, at a coin located at the far side of the universe. The odds that you could hit this coin from a distance of 45 billion light years is equal to 1-in-1040.

      Despite the impossibility that this could have happened, unless this balance between electromagnetism and gravity had occurred when the universe began, earth would never have been able to support human life.

      We live in an impossible universe that never could have occurred without God. There is no natural process that could ever cause these constants to exist by chance all at once.

      Balance Of Electron And Proton

      One important example of a fine-tuned universe that is understood by a critical requirement for life is the ratio between the electron and a proton of every atom in the universe.

      The ratio of mass between an electron and a proton is 1:1836, meaning that a proton is 1,836 times larger than an electron. Although there is a great degree of difference between the size of these two parts of an atom, both the electron and proton maintain the exact same electrical charge. With this massive difference in size, how is it possible that both still have the same electrical charge? It’s as if someone knew the precise size difference that was necessary before the first atom existed.

      If the electrical charge of the electron is altered by just one part in 100 billion, the body of every human being on earth would explode.

      There are no naturalistic explanations for how these precise events could be produced by random acts or by any evolutionary process. The scientific evidence which exists and is observable today, proves that all of the precise processes were controlled, requiring intelligence and extreme power.

      For this first piece of evidence alone, we can scientifically prove the existence of God. No amount of refutation can ever change the scientific facts of the universes inception by processes which cannot be explained naturally.

      You can read about these things in my books: “A Universe From God,” and “Why Jesus Is God, And Other Are Not.”

      Your Answer, Number 3) This one gave me I little bit of a difficult time, but then I remembered that we have backwards engineered DNA. Then we have seen bacteria which started with one trait over many generations in a dish grow more tails and change it’s behavior of movement.

      Despite the efforts of some people, no one has ever proven that life comes from anything else but other life. Animals, plants, all organisms, all life come from their own kind. In the only case of a claimed spontaneous generation of life, Louis Pasteur proved that this assertion was a hoax.

      By scientific evidence, Pasteur proved that life only comes from life that existed previously. There have never been any provable exceptions to this basic law of life, and these findings are precisely what God said about life in the Bible.

      Not long after Darwin published his Origin of Species in 1859, Louis Pasteur challenged the idea of spontaneous generation. This hypothesis is the very foundation of evolution as the origin of life. Dr. Pasteur’s simple and elegant “swan-necked flask” experiments impeached the idea of organic life as originating from non-life assertion.

      Dr. Pasteur learned that the germs, which were used in the experiment to prove abiogenesis came from microbes that had parent microbes, not from a process of spontaneous generation of life. This discovery brought forth many useful applications such as the need for sterilization, asepsis during surgery, and the theory of germs in applications of disease.

      Current claims that spontaneous life is possible are based upon unprovable, theoretical hypothesis. The data that was used to try and prove abiogenesis (spontaneous generation of life), was based upon very large theoretical volumes of fluids that would allegedly contain the necessary elements to permit spontaneous life to emerge. In the real world of science where actual evidence is required, abiogenesis has never been proven by any observable procedure.

      In examining the assertions of abiogenesis by atheists, we find that their conclusions are similar to those of the atheistic theoretical physicists hypotheses of the multi-verse as an answer for the reason why the universe is fine-tuned for life. Both the physicists and the biologists who use these theoretical hypotheses have no observable empirical evidence to support their conclusions. They both use ideas that require very large test subjects that do not exist and cannot be tested or observed. These ideas exist only in the realm of the theoretical, not in real science.

      God created each species. All of these life forms appeared on earth at the same time. When we examine the scientific evidence of the fossil record, this is precisely what we find. Millions of dead animals that all appeared on earth at the same time with no intermediate species which indicated an evolution between species.

      The idea that one cell could have evolved into man over a very long process of time, through a great number of uncontrolled and random processes, is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated upon man. There is absolutely no scientific proof that this has occurred, and the very idea itself is a violation of the known laws of biogenesis.

      The only scientific facts that have been proven by scientists is that certain species, when placed in harsh environments, have the ability to adapt themselves by certain changes that permit their continued survival.

      This type of limited evolutionary process is assumed as evidence that greater evolutionary processes are also possible; inevitably, the evolution of man from the ape species. The idea that all life forms originated from a common ancestor has no scientific evidence to validate that this has actually taken place. All that we can prove as science is the limited evolution of certain species for the purpose of adaptation.
      The creatures, plants, and organisms that exist on earth all follow a predetermined course for their existence that is fixed and unchangeable. Every animal appeared on earth fully formed as they now exist. Only under certain rare circumstances has any animal or plant changed slightly for the purpose of adaptation, but never to create a completely new species outside their original species.

      The Laws of Chemistry

      In order for life to be possible, there are very narrow and specific requirements that are necessary. The human body exists because of incredible chemical reactions that take place and are ordered by the laws of chemistry, as they operate by a uniform process.

      The information contained within the DNA of a human being is a digital instruction to each cell for how they must operate and which specific part of the body they will create.

      There is a total of 150 Trillion Gigabytes of digital genetic information stored in the human body.

      There is no evolutionary or natural process that can create information. This is only possible by a mind or intelligence. The very existence of the cell with its advanced mechanical operations require tremendous engineering prowess that knew in advance how and why vital elements of a simple cell are necessary for efficient operation.

      If any single part of a cell is missing because of the need for an evolutionary process, the cell would die and not have the opportunity to continue in an evolutionary process. The mere existence of the cell with all of its components present at the same time, with the digital instructions contained within DNA, makes evolution impossible.

      Irreducibly Complex Machines

      Intelligent Design is a scientific theory that asserts that some aspects of life are best explained as a result of design. The strong appearance of design in life is apparent and not imagined. Intelligent design is not based upon any religious belief system or set of convictions.

      The design theory of creation is based upon observable, empirical, and physical evidence from nature and the logical inferences of this reality.

      Design is the purposeful arrangement of parts when we perceive that these parts have been arranged to fulfill a purpose. The existence of these elements of design, as they are observed, is what defines “design.”

      A Biochemical example of design would be the compelling example of the bacterial flagellum. The illustration below is from a college textbook that is used all over the world.

      A Bacterial Flagellum is, by its purest definition, an outboard motor that is used by bacteria to propel themselves. This tiny Flagellum contains machine parts which allow this propulsion to occur.

      The top part of the flagellum is the propulsion device of the bacteria. The motor that turns the propulsion device is a rotary mechanism.

      When we see the individual parts of this flagellum, we quickly realize that they exist and are ordered in such a way that each part has a very specific purpose. This allows us to accurately define this flagellum as a mechanically designed apparatus. The ability to propel itself in virtually any direction is enabled by 40 different proteins. Amongst the parts of the flagellum are a motor, rings, and a propeller.

      This type of system can only exists when every part of the flagellum is present at the same time. If any part were missing, the bacteria could not move and would quickly die.

      This type of machine is called an “Irreducibly Complex Device.” There are hundreds of these devices that we find in nature which make life possible. Take away any single part of these Irreducibly Complex machines and they cannot operate.

      This means that none of these devices could have come into being by a contingent combination of parts over millions or billions of years. Every part of these devices must be in place at the same time. This disqualifies the idea of evolution for life. The most basic of all life is the cell, and these cells contain parts that must be present all at once before the cell can exist. This means that all the parts of these cells were created at once, they did not evolve over time.

      Incredible by design, this bacterial flagellum closely resembles the same type of machines that are built by human beings. Just as a man-made machine must have every part before it can function, so also are these biochemical machines. No one looks at a machine with a motor and rings used to seal fluid and imagines that it evolved by itself. For the same reason, we cannot see the machine parts of a bacterial flagellum and believe they came into existence by accident. All machines are evidence of a creative process where a mind conceived the idea and skill was required to assemble and permit operation.

      These Biochemical machines, which have the exact same components as a man-made machine, require that all their individual parts are present at the same time before operation is possible. If we build a machine and take out one of the parts, it will no longer function.

      This is also true of every biochemical machine. Unless all the parts are created and installed at once, these machines could not exist.

      It is clear in the most basic component of life, a simple cell, that these tiny devices are not so simple after all. Each part of every cell in our bodies must be present all at once, or they will not function. These individual parts could not have evolved since all of the parts which exist in the cell are necessary for its operation. Evolution is not capable of producing every part of a cell all at the same time.

      Unsuccessful Refutations

      Attempts have been made to refute the irreducibly complex flagellum and the prerequisite of all its parts necessary to function.

      A similar Biochemical device has been presented that is similar to the Flagellum. Lacking a few proteins, this second device does not have a propulsion system. Opponents of the irreducibly complex idea say that this second cell is proof that irreducible complexity is not true.

      The refutation presented by this second device, although similar to the flagellum, functions well without the rotor or propulsion system. The second device is a bacteria that injects its toxic virus into the host it intends to infect. This device has no need for a rotor or propulsion system, therefore, these parts are not present.

      Because both the flagellum and the virus devices are similar in their construction, with the exception of the rotor and propulsion, critics use this as an example to assert that the irreducibly complex flagellum is not evidence to impeach evolution.

      This is an illogical comparison because the flagellum and virus devices are two different types of bacteria. Comparing the virus device to the flagellum does not eliminate the requirement for the flagellum to have all the parts of its device before it is able to function. The second device exists for a completely different purpose and does not need the rotor or propulsion mechanism.

      This argument does not change the fact that certain cells do have propulsion machine parts and cannot function without all their components existing at once.

      If evolution is true then why do we find that nature reveals machine devices which require the complete device before they can operate?

      The argument for irreducibly complex machines as evidence against the possibility that evolution is responsible for life’s beginning is compelling and has no logical defects.


      Number 4) For self awareness we have seen dolphins using a moral code, and if that’s not self awareness then I don’t know what is. And for cognitive abilities we put a gold fish in a maze over and over again and seen the time it takes to do the maze dramatically decrease. And by an evolutionary stand point doing something, anything is more times then not better than doing nothing at all. That’s why we have dopamine rush when we accomplish something. If we don’t then we won’t want to do anything and die.

      It appears that you didn’t understand the answer for number 4. The point is that evolution does not work, nor can it be proven by and scientific process. All that can be observed and proven scientifically is that certain species have the capacity to adapt to their harsh environments and make evolutionary changes in their body structures over time. There is absolutely no evidence that any one species has evolved into a completely new species. Although adaptability within species is cited by evolutionists as proof that complete evolutionary processes are possible, this is only conjecture and speculation. Science has not proven this.

      What we do scientifically observe is that every species on earth appeared here suddenly and was fully formed. There is no fossil record that demonstrated an intermediate species between two distinct species.

      A classic example of this impossibility is observed in the often cited similarities between apes and humans. This was the primary point of number 4.

      Although Chimpanzees and human beings share about 95% of their DNA sequence and about 99% of their coding DNA sequences, there is at least a 40 million base pair difference separating the genetic code between apes and humans. This makes the chance of creating a living, missing link, impossible.

      Limited Evolution By Adaptability

      The only evolutionary process that has been proven by scientists is that certain species—when placed in harsh environments—have the ability to adapt themselves by certain changes that permit their continued survival.

      This type of limited evolutionary processes is assumed as evidence that greater evolutionary processes are also possible. What is falsely insinuated is that man could have evolved from the ape species. To the present day (2018), no scientific proof has ever been presented which would validate that man could have evolved from the ape species. No intermediate species have been discovered in the fossil record, though several fraudulent examples have been presented.

      The idea that all life forms originated from a common ancestor has no scientific evidence to prove that this has actually taken place, other than the limited evolution of certain species for the purpose of adaptation.

      The creatures, plants, and organisms that exist on earth, all follow a predetermined course for their existence that is fixed and unchangeable. Every animal appeared on earth fully formed as they now exist, and only under certain rare circumstances has any animal or plant changed slightly for the purpose of adaptation. There is no evidence that any species has evolved itself into a completely new species outside their original species.

      The most current example of an attempt to prove that species can evolve into new species was recently publicized in mid-2017.

      Evidence of Finches on Galapagos Island showing characteristics of adaptability in changing their beak sizes only created a new species within the same finch species.

      This new species are still Finches and they are still birds. Although there are many examples of birds, plants, and animals adapting to their environments, not one has ever become a completely different animal, plant, or bird.

      When we think of evolution of the species in the sense of apes becoming man, this type of evolution has never presented evidence that would lead us to scientifically validate this kind of massive changes in evolution.

      Biology is based on taxonomy (classifications of species). This is the reason we see plants and animals with different scientific names. A species that occurs within an existing species because of adaptability is quite common. This new species within a species is not the same as evolution in the sense of creating a different animal or distinct kinds of organisms.

      When different species attempt to produce fertile offspring by breeding, the resulting offspring are always sterile. When donkeys and horses breed, the result is a mule which cannot reproduce itself. This is due to the massive differences between donkeys and horses in their DNA as distinct species.

      The difficulty in accomplishing the same outcome between apes and humans is not only difficult, it is impossible. Although attempts have been made several times to impregnate a female ape with a human sperm in order to produce a hybrid ape-man, this procedure has limits that are impossible to overcome. This is due to the impossible conflict that exists between the incompatibility of human and ape chromosomes and the genetic instructions necessary to create a hybrid.

      Chimpanzees and human beings sharing 95% of their DNA sequence and about 99% of their coding DNA sequences. Because of this close proximity in these two, many have assumed that the boundaries are not impossible to cross.

      One of the biggest obstacles in creating an ape-human hybrid is that humans have 46 chromosomes and apes have. Even in the event that a zygote should form, this difference in chromosomes will not permit the chromosomes to pair together correctly in order to cause pregnancy.

      Finally, there is at least a 40 million base pair difference between the code of apes and humans that further make the chance of creating a living missing link impossible.

      Chromosomes alone are not the key in this regard. The genetic code that is necessary to instruct cells on how to form living tissue, organs, and body parts is the key to making it possible for an ape and human to produce offspring. The genetic code for an ape is lacking 40 million characters.

      Making human and ape genetic code compatible is a bit like trying to use the operating system of an iPhone to run a nuclear submarine. The genetic code of an ape is lacking the key instructions necessary to make a viable being between ape and human. This has never happened before, and it never will happen.

      Even though the genetic code between apes and humans is 99% identical, this leaves over 40 million base pairs which are incompatible and unable to build a living being from the combination of ape and human DNA.

      This immense chasm between apes and humans will never be bridged because they were never intended to be compatible. Like species produce like species, and this is final in the biology of life.

      This immense difficulty illustrates the large gulf that exists between an actual occurrence of a completely new species and one which occurs by adaptability as with the Galapagos Island Finches.

      What evolutionists are seeking to do with the Galapagos Finch example is to insinuate that because Finches can adapt to different environments by changes in their beaks and therefore become a new species within a species this is also possible with apes and humans. This is, of course, not true and is understood by the impossibilities of genetic code differences between apes and human.

      Exactly how common size fluctuations in beak size amongst finches on Galapagos island proves evolution is a great mystery. Evolutionists would have the uniformed, or naive believe these new Finch species prove evolution, it does not. This new Finch species only supports the known truth that God built adaptability into the plants and animals He created, showing that He is the common source for all life.

      Number 5) I would love to see the proof because if it’s word testimony then I don’t count that. If it’s the bible then I also don’t count that.

      Number 5 describes an event of the historical record that is preserved for us by 24,593 extant manuscript copies.

      Virtually everything we believe about past history is because of eyewitness testimony or testimony that was received by those who wrote what eyewitnesses had told them.

      How do we know that George Washington and Abraham Lincoln were actual persons of history? We read the testimony of those who saw them, heard them, and recorded these events for us.

      According to the United States Library of Congress, we have just over 20,000 documents written by Abraham Lincoln, from 1833-1916.⁠1 The documents that describe the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which have survived time and decay, are 24,593.

      We know more about Jesus of Nazareth than we do the 16th president of the United States of America.

      The man, Jesus Christ, is a real person from history whose life has been recorded for us by honest men who detailed the incredible words and deeds He has said and done. There is more historical evidence for the man called “Jesus” than any other person in the ancient history of the world.⁠2

      Dr. Thomas Arnold, Oxford History professor, concerning the evidence For Jesus Christ:

      “I have been used for many years to study the histories of other times, and to examine and weigh the evidence of those who have written about them, and I know of no one fact in the history of mankind which is proved by better and fuller evidence of every sort, to the understanding of a fair inquirer, than the great sign which God hath given us that Christ died and rose again from the dead.”

      Former Atheist Leader and Philosopher, Anthony Flew:

      “The evidence for the resurrection alone is better than for claimed miracles of all other religions. There leaders are buried and still in their graves. Jesus tomb was found empty!”

      Critics of the historical Jesus stipulate that there is substantial evidence for the person described as Jesus of Nazareth. In this book, we have already seen a tremendous amount of evidence to conclude that Jesus is a genuine person from history, and the people who saw and heard Him believed that He is the Eternal God.

      The reason we have such a great wealth of evidence today from the period of history, when Jesus is recorded in the New Testament, is because there was so much evidence at that time to support what was vigorously written, and copied thousands of times and distributed all over the world.

      1. We have the secular record of the Roman government from the time when Jesus is alleged to have been in Jerusalem which names Jesus as crucified under Pontius Pilate, in harmony with the New Testament gospels.

      2. We have the secular record of the Jews written in their Talmud, Sanhedrin, 43 a-b, that states that Jesus was crucified; Herzog 1, Munich 95, Firenze 11.1.8-9, and Barc0.⁠

      3. We have the Biblical account of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection by those who were either present during these events, or recorded the testimony of those who were present at these events. The New Testament narrative of Jesus Christ has never been impeached in a 2,000-year history by anyone. There are 24,593 manuscripts which have survived this period of history.

      4. We have the record of the Christian church. By 350 A.D., the number of Christians in the world had grown exponentially to 33,882,208, or 56.5 percent of the population of the world.⁠ If the resurrection did not take place as the four gospels describe, then how do we explain the explosive growth of the Christian church to over 33 million believers and 56 percent of the world’s population, just 300 years after the resurrection was first reported?

      5. We have the archeological record of history which validates the flawless accuracy of the New Testament. Old Testament: Nelson Glueck is considered one of the world’s greatest archeologists. His work in the discovery of over 1,500 ancient sites led him to the firm conclusion that every reference in the Old Testament scriptures which refers to an ancient city, civilization, or people were entirely accurate in every regard. New Testament: World famous historian and renowned archeologist, William Ramsay, began as an atheist in his exploration of New Testament validity. Upon an expedition to the places described by the New Testament, Dr. Ramsay discovered the pristine accuracy of Luke’s narrative. He concluded that the record of Jesus Christ is true and became a follower of Jesus. Dr. Ramsay described Luke as “a historian of the first rank.”6

      6. We have archeological evidence from the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus in the Shroud of Turin. Originally described as a fraud, today the Shroud has been validated as an authentic historical artifact from the time period when Jesus was crucified. This is documented by forensic experts as containing substantial evidence that this linen cloth is, in fact, the burial shroud of the man described as Jesus of Nazareth. This Shroud remains as the most stunning piece of empirical evidence ever discovered.

      7. We have the records of the Romans who executed Christians over a 250-year period of history, under 10 different Caesars, specifically because they believed that their leader had risen from the dead.

      Having established that Jesus is a genuine person of the historical record and that the New Testament was written for the purpose of providing the world with a preserved record of the true events of His life, death, and resurrection, we must consider what this record provides”

      The entire text of the 27 books of the New Testament describe:

      1. A man who had never sinned and was perfect in all His moral behavior, both in words and deeds, all necessary for any Being who would claim to be God.

      2. A man with power over sickness, death, and a complete understanding of the physical laws of the universe so that He could suspend, or control their conventional outcomes and interject Himself as Lord over these processes. These qualities are required of any Being who would claim to be God.

      3. A man who knew events of the immediate and distant future and had the capacity to tell us what would happen before they took place. Jesus predicted 14 events that all have come to pass. He predicted the total destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple because the leaders of Israel had rejected Him as the Messiah and said that because of their failure to recognize Him as God and Messiah, “Your house will be left to you desolate, and not one stone of the temple will be left upon another.” These exact events took place 38 years later when Titus sacked Jerusalem and destroyed the city and the Temple and left not one stone upon another.

      4. A man who stated that His entire purpose for coming into the world was to die by crucifixion for the sins of the world and then raise Himself from the dead on the third day. Jesus spoke these things ahead of time and then fulfilled them exactly as He had predicted.

      5. A man who fulfilled over 400 Hebrew prophecies that were required of anyone who would claim to be Messiah, precisely and without error.

      These are the extant records that history has provided for us of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. He proved that He is God, and the preserved historical record that we have today of these events serves as evidence that these events took place.

      The text of the New Testament we have today, which describes Jesus, is unchanged in all of the fundamental principles of Jesus life, death, and resurrection, from those of the original writings that are dated as early as 60 A.D.

      Number 6) My friend claims to be god almost a scary amount. Not even to make a joke. He truly believes he’s god. But that don’t make him the big ethereal sky daddy.

      Your friend did not heal every sick person, blind, lame, and deaf, person who came to him. He did not stand at the tomb of a friend who had been dead for four days and command him to rise from the dead, and he came back to life. Your friend was not brutally crucified and had his heart pierced through by a Roman lance, and then rose from the dead three days later.

      Jesus proved that He is God, your friend cannot.

      Number 7) The language used to write in them had been dead for a while. So even if we were to translate them we wouldn’t even know if our translation were accurate.

      I don’t understand your objection to the language of the New Testament, it was not dead and is still alive today. We have the original manuscript copies of all that Jesus said and did, written in Greek, and there is no ambiguity in what they declare.

      Number 8) He claimed to have. And apparently his argument wasn’t that good cause it didn’t even convert all the jews.

      Jesus rejection by the Jews as the Messiah, was predicted by several Hebrew prophecies. The fact that He was rejected by His own people and their eyes were blind to Him, was exactly what the prophets wrote.

      Jesus rejection by the leaders of Israel is a direct confirmation that He is the true Messiah. Jesus said that their blindness to Him at the time He appeared on earth, would last until the end of age when their eyes would once again be opened as a people and they would receive Him during the seven year Tribulation, the 70th week of Daniel 9, predicted 2,700 years before Jesus came to earth.

      This prediction is fulfilled as 2,000 years have passed and the Jews are still blind to Jesus true identity, precisely as He said would happen.

      Number 9) This one has no reliance. So what it could’ve been put there as a joke. Or more likely some Christian put it in a place where no one would find it till many years later.

      The relevance of secular records of Jesus life and death in the Roman Senate, were made by Roman historians Suetonius and Tacitus who referred to Jesus as “Crestus,” (Christ), and stated that his presence in Jerusalem during the same period that the New Testament places Him there, caused tremendous conflicts and disturbances. These scathing remarks were not written as an effort to preserve a record of Jesus, but in recording the actual events that took place in the Roman province overseen by Pilate.

      The Jewish Talmud mentions Jesus 49 times, both His presence in Jerusalem, and His crucifixion under Pilate. These also were not written to validate Jesus, but simply as matters of history for that time.

      These secular, non-biblical sources prove that what the New Testament said about Jesus, is true, being verified by a secular, hostile witness.

      I have 122 citations from secular sources that verify Jesus in Jerusalem during the time that the New Testament places Him there.

      Number 10) And the entire course of earth were changed by Hitler but that doesn’t mean god exists. Being influential doesn’t make you god or price god exists.

      You have made my point precisely. The entire course of history was changed by Hitler and this is because we know what happened by what was written and preserved for us today.

      In the same way, we see that every facet of human life has been drastically altered by the presence of Jesus on earth. These things were written and preserved for us and we know exactly what took place. The narrative of Jesus is not a myth or legend, it is a historical record of actual events that took place concerning the person known As Jesus of Nazareth. There is every indication by the internal evidence of the text of the New Testament that these descriptions are honest and genuine. When subjected to strict examination by protocols used by the FBI to detect fraudulent testimony, the narratives of the four Gospels pass every criteria for genuine testimony.

      Jesus claimed to be God, the Creator of all that exists, and the only method whereby any person can be saved.

      These things are proven empirically by the written record which has survived time and decay.


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