How God Created The Universe: Science And The Bible In Symmetry

The idea that the universe exists as a product of natural events, is unprovable by any scientific evidence. In fact, when we carefully study what took place during the first zeptosecond, or a trillionth of a billionth of a second of the universe, we find that critical events that were necessary for life much later, depended upon intelligent one-off decisions that no natural process is capable of.[1]

The events that caused the universe to begin and expand in a precise manner so that it would produce galaxies, stars, and planets much later, is proven by science, to have conducted itself by processes that required foreknowledge of the outcomes for these processes, so that precise parameters could be fine-tuned to ensure the universe continue to expand and allow human life to exist 13.799 billion years later.

There is no ambiguity today regarding the provable facts of science as to whether the universe is fine-tuned for life. It is the fine-tuned universe that proves the universe could not have come into existence by any natural process, but was caused and developed by a source that knew the outcome of every process we observe during the entire history of our universe.

  1. The universe as we know it, cannot be explained by natural forces.
  2. The finely-tuned universe, as empirical proof for the existence of God, has no formal logical defects.
  3. The only current explanation for the existence of the universe—which can be tested and verified is the finely-tuned and designed evidence of the universe.
  4. Our universe contains the precise physical constants that have the exact values that are required to allow for complex structures, such as galaxies, stars, planets, and people to exist.
  5. None of these values are possible under any circumstance, by any naturalistic process.

SCIENCE UPDATE: January 15, 2020. NASA announced today on their Hubblesite, that images from the New Horizons Spacecraft and the Hubble Space Telescope, now proves that there are not two trillion galaxies in the universe, there are only hundreds of billions. The problem with the overestimate originated from theoretical computations which were wrong. This is evidence that the similar assertion that our universe came into existence as a result of “an infinite number of other universes,” commonly known as the “Multiverse,” is also likely an exaggeration. Theoretical Physicists often cite the Multiverse as proof that God is not necessary, and the fact that our universe contains over 200 fine-tuned physical constants, is what we would expect in an infinite number of universes.

As it turns out, there is not an infinite number of other universes, only one, ours. There has never been any actual scientific evidence that proves there are any other universes; these estimates come from theoretical mathematical calculations, only. We cannot see beyond our own universe, and the reality is, there is no evidence whatsoever the multiverse theory is true. The reality of a fine-tuned universe that allows human life on earth, is proof that intelligence is responsible for our universe, and only the God of the Bible is capable of such engineering.

The following statement is from Marc Postman of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, a lead author on the study:

“New measurements of that weak background glow show that the unseen galaxies are less plentiful than some theoretical studies suggested, numbering only in the hundreds of billions rather than the previously reported two trillion galaxies.

“It’s an important number to know – how many galaxies are there?” said Marc Postman of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, a lead author on the study. “We simply don’t see the light from two trillion galaxies.”

The earlier estimate was extrapolated from very deep sky observations by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. It relied on mathematical models to estimate how many galaxies were too small and faint for Hubble to see. That team concluded that 90% of the galaxies in the universe were beyond Hubble’s ability to detect in visible light. The new findings, which relied on measurements from NASA’s distant New Horizons mission, suggest a much more modest number.”[AA]

Events Of The First Trillionth Of A Second, Prove That Intelligence Was Necessary

The Space-time Theorems which exist today, prove that there must be a causal agent beyond space and time that created a universe consisting of time, space, and matter. This in symmetry with the discovery of Dark Energy, which gives us our greatest scientific evidence for the Supernatural-Creator, and a Super Intelligent Creation of the universe—for the benefit of human beings.

The Bible describes a Being who existed before the universe who was this causal agent. He is described as the ultimate transcendent Being. He is defined as possessing the technology and mind that was necessary to cause a universe like the one we observe, to begin and exist.

How do we know such a Being exists? We learn what was necessary to cause a universe like ours to begin. There are no natural processes in existence or that are possible, which could exact the precise events that took place when the universe began.

The Four Scientific Evidences That We Can Prove Today:

  1. The origin of the universe.
  2. The origin of life.
  3. The origin of human beings.
  4. The design of the created universe for the benefit of human being.

It is common knowledge among secular scientists today that there is compelling evidence is for a Causal Agent beyond space and time. One of the reasons that even non-religious scientists stipulate that a causal agent is necessary, is due to the reality of the Cosmological Constant.

Laws And Order

The universe exists because of obedience to a set of laws. We humans live on a planet and have a mind that is able to discover these laws and how the universe exists. This is a fact that is absolutely astonishing.

In order to support advance life on earth, the laws of physics must operate with great precision. The law of gravity is so finely balanced that it is able to hold planets in their orbit, but not so powerful that we cannot walk on earth. In contrast to gravity the laws that regulate the atom, produce forces that are incredibly strong. Change the ratio of the proton to the electron in the atom just 1 part in 10^40 and every atom in the universe self destructs. How did these laws which regulate the forces that make the universe possible, know how to precisely set themselves where they are must be? This becomes an insurmountable obstacle to a naturalistic cause for the universe.

The universe speaks a language that communicates to us how the universe operates; It is called mathematics. This language allows us to express by mathematics what the universe is doing and make predictions for what it will do. The laws of physics operate across the entire universe. It impacts the movements of galaxies. It controls events in the microscopic world of the atom.

It is the laws of the universe that brought the universe from its natural course of disorder, to order. The existence of these physical laws cannot be explained by natural events. Laws can only come from a mind. The existence of laws demands a law maker. A Being of infinite intelligence that is transcendent time, space, and matter, who understood the outcome of setting the universe by these laws and ordering the universe in a specific way, before the universe began.

Scientists assume these laws but they have never been able to explain where they came from in the first place. These laws did not exist before the universe began. The universe and the laws of physics began at the same time.

Science proceeds on the basis that the universe is ordered and exists in a rational and intelligible way. It is extraordinary that the universe did not have to exist in this way. The fact that it does, is good evidence that it was caused to exist with these laws because they are absolutely necessary for order to be possible and produce human life on earth.

When Albert Einstein first proposed the theory of general relativity, he also predicted that the universe had a beginning and was expanding. At that time, it was the consensus of science that the cosmological model of that day was that we lived within an infinitely old universe in a static state throughout infinite time. This infinitely old universe provided the evidence for evolution. By proposing a universe which was not infinitely old, there was great opposition from many scientists.

In order to appease the evolutionists of that time, Einstein proposed an ad hoc addendum to general relativity, the cosmological constant, which cancelled the effects of gravity throughout the universe.[2]

See A List Of 1,000 Scientists Who Say That Evolution Is Wrong

After Edwin Hubble’s discovery that the universe was indeed expanding from a cosmological beginning, Einstein retracted his original idea of the cosmological constant, describing it as “the greatest blunder” of his career.[3]

Today, scientists understand that Einstein’s cosmological constant, known today as “dark energy,” is the dominant component of the universe.

Dark Energy

As the universe rapidly expands, so also does space to accommodate its expansion. Dark Energy is the agent that acts to permit the self-stretching ability of space. The larger that space grows in size, the greater the power of dark energy, acting as an “anti-gravity factor.”[4]

Dark Matter acts to make two very large bodies appear to repel each other, with their repelling force increasing the farther apart these two bodies get from each other. This is the opposite effect of gravity which acts to slow cosmic expansion. Science has now proven that the cosmic expansion rate has been accelerating during the last half of the universe, due to dark energy as an dominant component acting upon this expansion.[5]

What this mean is that the presence of dark matter demands a recent cosmic beginning, so recent, a natural or accidental beginning of the universe or human life on earth is impossible. Atheist’s nearly always seek to refute dark matter because it proves a fine-tuned universe that resulted from intelligence, necessary by a thinking Being.

Theoretical physicists Lisa Dyson, Matthew Kleban, and Leonard Susskind stated that, “Arranging the cosmos as we think it is arranged . . . would have required a miracle.”[1e] These scientists further stated that an “unknown agent intervened in the evolution [of the Universe] for reasons of its own.”[6]

Using mathematics and a knowledge of physics, scientists calculate that the force of dark energy should be incredibly large. The degree of its existence is so large that the universe should have expanded so quickly that galaxies and stars could not have formed and there would be no planets or life. The reason that dark energy does not overpower the universe and cause it to implode is there is an equally strong counterforce that restricts the impact of dark energy, so that stars and galaxies can form.

The precision required to balance dark energy is stunning. This setting has to be accurate from 56 decimal places (Septendecillion) to 120 decimal places (Vigintillion). This is a number so immense that there is no possibility that this physical constant for dark energy could exist unless a mind had known this precise balance was essential to allow a universe that could produce stars and planets. This fact becomes the strongest scientific argument for the existence of God amongst all of the other evidence that exists.

The universe came into existence from nothing, proceeded with order because of laws, and is understood by mathematics. Describe one naturally occurring phenomenon that can accomplish this? Can any non-thinking thing create everything that will exist and simultaneously create laws to cause it to proceed with specific order to make life possible, and then allow a human mind to understand how it all functions by mathematics, also created simultaneously with the universe?

The Universe Was Created For A Purpose: Support Human Life

Man looks at the universe and he does not see God. He sees a Cosmos that exists by its own creation. He sees that chance and random events created all that exists and we only think that a God made these things.

When we examine the scientific facts that are known today about how the universe began, we quickly understand that the most crucial and necessary events, could not have taken place by themselves.

In all the mass chaos of the universe at its conception, how did the incomparable heat of trillions of degrees and the massive chaos of an explosion of pure energy, facilitate events like gravity, an impossible low state of entropy, precise electromagnetism, and the creation of atoms, all in one millionth of one millionth, of one millionth of one millionth, of a second?

All of these events are not possible by chance or any natural process—particularly in the presence of the greatest concentrated energy and heat ever to exist.

The Universe Proves God Exists: 209 Physical Constants Required For Life On Earth

Gravity To Electromagnetism Are Balanced Precisely: Events That Evolution Is Not Capable Of

In order to believe that the universe exists by a natural process, we must explain how gravity could come into existence during the first zeptosecond of time and balance itself precisely with electromagnetism—with a tolerance of less than 10^40? How could these unthinking, unknowing elements guide themselves so that they were set at a tolerance so small that any change, greater or lesser than 10^40, would cause the immediate destruction of the universe?

If the universe evolved over billions of years, why does the evidence prove that gravity and electromagnetism were set precisely the first time—exactly when the universe began? The only way that this would be possible is if an intelligence knew ahead of time what this precise setting should be, and that gravity was essential to this process. It would also be necessary to know in advance what the outcome of changing this exact balance would produce. If these quantities were not known in advance, it would be impossible to guess and achieve success on the first attempt, as is the case with our universe. On the first try, gravity and electromagnetism were precisely balanced.

Despite the chance that the universe could not possibly know where gravity and electromagnetism had to be set, this balance was precisely fixed in less than a trillionth of a billionth of a second.

The Consequences Of Incorrect Balance Of Gravity And Electromagnetism

If the ratio between gravity and electromagnetism was increased by only 1 in 10^40, only very small stars would have formed. If the ratio were decreased by the same amount, only very large stars would have formed. In order for advanced life to be possible, there must be both large and small stars present in the universe. Large stars produce the elements needed for life; small stars burn at the precise rate required to sustain life on a planet, such as earth.[7]

Physicist and Cosmologist Paul Davies also confirmed the likelihood that the correct ratio of gravity to electromagnetism could have occurred by accident as a 1-in-10^40 chance. The probability that this precise calibration could have occurred on its own would be like trying to hit a coin at the far end of the universe (156 billion light years) from earth with a single shot on the first try⁠ [8]

Imagine accurately hitting a target 156 billion light-years away, on your first attempt. [9] To balance gravity and electromagnetism correctly the first time, in a a trillionth of a billionth of a second—at the beginning of the universe—this accuracy was essential. There was only one opportunity for this fine balance to take place when the universe began and it happened perfect the first time. If this balance was off by as little as 10^40, or 1 single grain of sand in a universe that is 60 percent filled with sand, the universe would have collapsed back upon itself before it even began.

When we consider the incredible accuracy required to allow the universe to begin with such precision, we realize that we are living in a universe that was specifically engineered for us by a mind and power that are unlimited.

This fine balance was also necessary for hydrogen and helium to be properly distributed in the correct places—enabling these gasses to be compressed by gravity, into matter—nearly 384 million years later when the first stars formed. These two essential elements for human life, formed during the first three minute of the universe. If they had formed in the first thirty seconds of the universe, our cosmos would have begun primarily with helium and very little hydrogen. This would have produced a universe incapable of producing stars. With no first generation stars, no second generation stars like our sun would have been produced. Second generation stars are necessary for the production of carbon, which is essential for human life. It was from the natural elements of earth that God made man:

Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground. ~Genesis 2:7

This orderly and precise process of setting the physical constants of the universe, continued throughout the entire history of the universe.

How could an explosion of incalculable force maintain the capacity to control itself so that essential process took place, the first time, and at the exact moment they were necessary—if they merely happened by accident? The science of the universe concludes that these processes are not possible by any unguided operation.

Science Knows How The Universe Began—By Observable Evidence

As we leave earth and travel past our own solar system, past galaxies, stars and planets, we are traveling into deep space. We are looking into the past history of the universe as we travel through space—back to the beginning when time, space, and matter began.

We pass the first infant galaxies and stars. We arrive at the moment when the universe began. This beginning forces us to examine the biggest questions that exist in science. The most important question of science is why the universe began in the first place? We want to know where the material came from that started the universe. What existed before the universe began?

In order to learn these answers, man has built machines the size of cities so that we could simulate the conditions that existed when the universe was created. We have created space telescopes to look deep into our past history. Science is very close to answering the questions of why are we here; where did we come from; are we alone?

As the late Stephen Hawking once said, to know these things, “we would know the mind of God.”

Nearly 3,000 years ago, David wrote that the universe is speaking to us, the existence of God.

The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak; night after night they make him known. They speak without a sound or word; their voice is never heard. Yet their message has gone throughout the earth, and their words to all the world. ~Psalms 19:1-4 (NLT)

Almost 2,000 years ago, Hebrew scholar, Paul, wrote that the entire purpose of the universe, at its creation, is to demonstrate to the people of earth that God does exits.

For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky. Through everything God made, they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse for not knowing God. ~Romans 1:20 (NLT) 

The origin of the universe is the greatest mystery of science, for all time. The more we learn, the greater our awareness that the processes which allowed the universe to begin and exist, were not random and unguided processes.

The more we learn about our universe the more we realize just how unique and special it is. The former idea of the multiverse and unlimited numbers of other universes, as the reason for our universe, is rapidly losing scientific support. First and foremost, we cannot scientifically validate that any other universes actually exist because we cannot see beyond our own universe. There are many theories for how other universes could exist, in the form of mathematical calculations, but none of these have any scientific proof:

  • Infinite Universe
  • Bubble Universes
  • Parallel Universes
  • Daughter Universes
  • Mathematical Universes

Not one of these other universe theories can be proven by any scientific evidence. They all exist in the theoretical as conjecture and speculation.

Ours is the only universe that we are sure that exists. The more we learn about our universe, the greater the confidence is that ours is the only one. The unique processes which were necessary in order to cause our universe and allow it to develop specifically to support human life on earth, makes it highly unlikely that any other universe could have achieved the same results by a random processes. If we are to believe that an infinite number of other universes exist and one of these has caused our own, then all that we have accomplished by this theory is to make the process infinitely more complex. We must also need an explanation for how all of these other universes began in the first place and were able to produce at least one with the capacity to support human life. The greater the number of universes, the greater the need for an explanation as to how this is was possible. The only conclusion supported by science today is that ours is the only universe in existence and before it began, there was nothing.

The Universe Was Engineered For Life

Our universe presents us with stunning evidence that it was made for a purpose, and that purpose was us. Examining the physical constants that exist, these 209 fine-tuned physical properties of our universe are set so precisely that it is impossible to define them by any natural or evolutionary process. Evolution is not capable of fine-tuned properties. Evolution works over long durations of time, by mutation, trial and error. The physical constants of our universe must all be set correctly at once with no margin for error.

Since 1920, everything that scientists once thought they knew about the universe has been drastically altered. The conventional thought for the existence of the universe, prior to the twentieth century, was the universe is static and eternal.

In 1929, the idea of an eternal universe changed in an instant. At the Mount Wilson Observatory above Las Angeles, astronomer Edwin Hubble, learned that the galaxies of the universe are moving away from each other. These galaxies are moving away from earth at speeds that are unimaginable. This knowledge that the universe is in a state of rapid acceleration away from a starting point, gave us the first evidence that the universe had a stunning and sudden beginning.

All galaxies are moving away from earth, and those galaxies that are twice as far from us, are moving twice as fast. Galaxies three times as far away as other galaxies, are moving three times as fast. Everything in the universe is moving away from earth. This reality which Edwin Hubble discovered, became known as “Hubble’s Law.” This discovery was the beginning of our learning that the universe began suddenly.

By the observance of galaxies in motion, Hubble demonstrated that the universe is rapidly expanding. Theoretically, a universe which is expanding, must have begun suddenly at a single point. By measuring just how fast the universe is expanding, astronomers can determine when it began.

How Old Is The Universe?

How do scientists know that the universe is 13.799 billion years old? We were not there when the universe began, so how can anyone possibly know this for certain? If we were to take a video of a thermonuclear explosion, after it had completed, we could reverse the video back to the beginning an see when and how the explosion took place.

In Cosmology, scientists have the capacity to run the events of the universe in reverse and calculate when and how the universe began. We know that everything that exists, started with a cosmic explosion. You can understand how this works by simply looking up at the sky at night. You are seeing stars that are millions of light years from earth. It took the light from these stars that you are seeing in the night sky, millions of years to get to earth so that you could observe them.

If we can look far enough into space, we can look back and see the beginning of the universe.

Today, we have a deep space telescope that permits us the ability to look deep into space and see stars that existed farther back in time, closer to the moment when the universe began.

This ability to look back and see the events of the universe when it began, was only a starting place. The beginning of the universe started everywhere. When the universe began, it was the size of an atom, yet contained all the energy that would become matter, comprising all that exists today—densely compacted.

What Existed Before The Universe Began?

How could everything that exists today, come from nothing? There are some theoretical physicists who assert that the laws of physics allow the universe to come into existence from nothing. The problem is that, like the multiverse, these are mathematical equations, but they cannot be tested or proven scientifically. The evidence we do have and can observe, proves that nothing existed before our universe began.

This is particularly interesting because this is precisely what the Bible states regarding the beginning of the universe. The first line, of the first chapter, of the first book of the Bible states, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” The Hebrew word used for “created,” is bara, which means to make from non existing materials. In other words, the Bible tells us that before the universe, nothing existed, and God created the material for the universe, simultaneously with its creation.

This is precisely what the evidence of science today, proves. There is absolutely no evidence that any other universes exist, or that any other universe was responsible for the creation of our universe. These are all interesting ideas but they have no practical scientific evidence to support them.

What scientists state as certain, is that everything we see today, could have arisen from nothing—exactly what the Bible has said to us all along.

Hebrew scholar, Paul, wrote in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews, that the universe was created by elements that are “invisible.” How could a first century man know that all that exists was made by invisible atoms?

By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. ~Hebrews 11:3 (NKJV)

The prerequisite to understanding the universe is that it was created out of nothing. At the moment of creation, when there was nothing prior to this moment, a tiny particle the size of an atom, containing all the matter that would make up the universe—tightly compressed—exploded in infinite temperature, and infinite violence. Understanding how nothing turned into everything, is one of the greatest mysteries of our universe.

If you can accept that this is how the universe began, it is possible to begin to understand that only an infinite intelligence would have the capacity to make this all possible.

Most of us have accepted the idea that our universe is so large and vast, and has exited for so long, that there are very likely other intelligent beings in the universe. Some have postulated that these civilizations have existed for billions of years longer than man has lived on earth. These beings would theoretically be so far advanced that they may have capabilities that exceed our imagination. They may be able to travel throughout the universe, create life, create planets, and live forever.

Go just a little further. Go back to an infinite time when a Being existed and imagine what He might know. It is certainly understandable that such a Being could have the ability to create a universe like ours and make people like us to live on a planet like earth.

Some people have a problem with the Biblical idea of God, so imagine an extraterrestrial who has always been alive, who has the power and technology to create anything. Not too hard to imagine, if we try.

How The Universe Began

Everything came from a single point that is nearly, infinitely, small, made from pure energy. The inevitable product of this tiny spec of energy contained all of the mass, energy of the 400 billion galaxies that are thought to exist in our universe. All of this came from a source that was smaller than a single atom.

The entire universe was a millionth of a billionth of a centimeter in diameter.

This tiny particle was pure energy. From this energy, the universe began. At this beginning, all of the laws and forces which govern our universe, also began. Before the universe started there was no time to mark its duration, no space to put a universe in, and no matter to make anything. Even the laws of physics did not exist when the universe began.

Despite the absence of the physical laws, the precise balances of gravity, electromagnetism, and the process of every atom’s creation, began. How could they begin on their own, if not by intelligent engineering?

The first force to emerge from the new universe was gravity. The entire determination for whether the universe would exist; it’s size, structure and everything that would be a part of the universe, was determined the moment that gravity was created.

Gravity shaped the universe and made the formation of stars and planets possible. In computer simulations, where different amounts of gravity are imparted to potential universes, with too little gravity, nothing happens. With too little gravity all that we would have is material flying apart and no structures would be able to form.

A universe that began with too much gravity, would provide nothing more than black holes that would swallow up all the matter of the universe.

Gravity had to be precise at the beginning of the universe or this universe that we live in would never have happened. This becomes a tremendous obstacle to overcome by mere happenstance. There is no natural or evolutionary process which can hit a precise setting  for gravity the first time. The entire premise of evolution is based upon millions of misses before a successful hit that permits the process to continue. With a successful universe like ours, the precise setting for gravity must be right the first time.

When we see a requirement in life that is so precise that any adjustment plus or minus, would cause a collapse of that process, we understand that intelligence was necessary for this precise setting to have occurred. Only concerning the universe and human life, do people believe that the events that were necessary to make the universe possible and human life successful on earth, could have taken place by accident.

Precision Of Gravity

What is incredible about the precise setting for gravity in our universe is the fact that it happened in less than one second. If gravity was not precisely set at -430th of a second, we would not have a universe. No matter how great your faith in science is, it is impossible to believe that gravity just happened to set itself where it had to be, in less than -430th of a second. Intelligence and infinite power were required to know this setting was necessary, and then be able to engineer the process to take place exactly as it did.

There is absolutely no possibility that gravity could exist on its own and set itself precisely when it began, so that our universe would be possible, by itself.

As this pinpoint of energy exploded, guided by a precise amount of gravity, it expanded in every direction. The universe grew by an extraordinary jump in size, also in a fraction of a second. Scientists estimate that in less than a millionth, of a millionth, of a millionth, of a millionth, of a second, space expanded by a factor bigger than a million, million, million, million, times.

What is most puzzling about this massive increase in size is that it exceeded the speed of light. This would have broken one of the fundamental laws of physics, which states that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.

There is one exception to this rule: objects in empty space can go faster than light. From the size of an atom, to the size of a baseball, took a millionth, of a millionth, of a millionth, of a millionth, of a second.

This doesn’t sound like a huge increase, but when you begin with energy that comprises the entire universe, as small as an atom, and it increases to the size of a baseball in a millionth, of a millionth, of a millionth, of a millionth, of a second, this would mean that this had to happen faster than light can travel.

This is one of the principle points of a universe that could not have began or controlled itself, that makes any natural process impossible. The crucial processes that were talking place which were essential to the success of the universe were happening so fast, because all of the energy was condensed so much closer together.

These events of the initial universe happened so quickly that scientists needed a new unit of measurement to be able to understand all of these events happening so fast. This new unit or measurement for how quickly the initial universe expanded, is called Plank Time.

To give you an idea how short Plank Time is, there are more units of Plank Time in one second, than all of the seconds since the universe began, nearly 14 billion years ago.

There are nearly 31 million seconds in a year. It has been nearly 14 billion years since the universe began. Multiply 31 million 556 thousand, 926, by 14 billion, and you get a time scale that is so small that all human intuition evaporates.

If you look at your watch and measure one second, ask yourself how many Plank Times is that? It is a billion, billion, billion, billion, billion, Plank Times.

When the universe is just a few Plank Times old, an exploding mass of energy is expanding faster than the speed of light. In just a few more Plank Times, the entire universe was determined.

Events Happening In Infinitesimally Small Durations Of Time

In just a few Plank Times, a fraction of a second, the universe is so small that you could hold it all in the palm of your hand. In just a few more Plank Times, another tiny fraction of a second, the universe expands to the size of the earth.

In the initial Plank Times of the universe, this energy was hotter than anything that exists today. The internal fury of a star that exists today is calm compared to the violence that existed in the first second of the universe. These temperatures were so hot that the atoms of the human body would be torn apart and cease to exist. This early universe was trillions of degrees in temperature.

As the universe continue to rapidly expand, it also begins to cool. As these temperatures decrease, new processes are possible in the development of the universe. The pure energy of the universe begins to transform into tiny sub-atomic particles. This is the first real matter that exists in the new universe. This conversion of energy into matter, was predicted in the formula of Albert Einstein, E=MC², many years before anyone knew anything about the moment the universe began. At the time that Einstein formulated his theory of relativity, he and a majority of scientists, believed the universe was static and eternal.

In Einsteins formula, E=MC², the creation of the universe is explained. Even if the universe was created out of nothing but pure energy, energy can be converted to matter, and matter to energy. Everything that we have in our lives—everything that exists in the universe, can come from this pure energy.

This brings us to another realization. When God created the universe, He knew ahead of time that every good thing we have in our life, homes, cars, food, clothes, cell phones, and every wonderful thing that exists for our enjoyment, would be possible when He made the universe from pure energy. The energy didn’t know this. The universe did not care if we had all that we enjoy, but the God who made the universe for us, understood how much these things would mean to us. He loved us, so He created a universe from this pure energy and knew that it would someday be converted into matter that would make all we need and love.

In a thermonuclear explosion, a small amount of matter is converted to a massive amount of energy. At the creation of the universe the opposite took place. God created a massive amount of energy from where all the matter that exists today would originate.

God did not need to create matter at the beginning of the universe, all He had to do was create a massive amount of energy that would later be converted to matter. This microscopic particle of massive energy was all that God needed to make this incredible universe. This gives us a small glimpse into the mind, heart, and power of the God who created our universe because of His love for people.

By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, And all the host of them by the breath of His mouth. ~Psalms 33:6 (NKJV)

It only took a few Plank Times, fractions of one second, and God had already created all of the building blocks that would be necessary for our universe to build stars, planets, galaxies, and eventually people.

This matter which first existed in the universe was unlike matter we see today. The matter which makes up all that we can see today, was not the same kind of matter that existed in the earliest moments of the universe. The conditions of the early universe that existed at less than one second, were so extreme that atoms did not exist. There were, tiny subatomic particles.

How Pure Energy Became Matter

During this first second of the universe there was so much energy contained in such a small space, that particles were being created, matter and energy were being transferred back and forth, but was too unstable to form the universe that exists today. The extreme temperature of the early universe, energizes the tiny subatomic particles. This causes them to appear and disappear. These particles are moving around in what appears to be chaos. As the universe ages, these particles begin to slow down as the temperature of the universe decreases over time.

Someone looking at this process from the outside would imagine that these are simply the normal process of natural events that are unguided and random. When we examine the entire text of the Bible, we see that long processes of time is precisely how God does most things of lasting value. God promises a Savior in Genesis 3:15; it was not until 3,500 years later that the Savior arrives. Jesus promises to come again to set up His kingdom on earth and end evil, sin, suffering, and death; it has been nearly 2,000 years since that promise was made.

Peter said that when these long processes of time unfold, people start to imagine that God must not exist because certainly God, if He does exist, would not take so long to do what He intends. Peter said that in the last days, before Jesus does come again, people will be saying that it has been too long since Jesus said He would come again; He is not going to return.

Most importantly, I want to remind you that in the last days scoffers will come, mocking the truth and following their own desires. They will say, “What happened to the promise that Jesus is coming again? From before the times of our ancestors, everything has remained the same since the world was first created.” They deliberately forget that God made the heavens long ago by the word of his command, and he brought the earth out from the water and surrounded it with water. ~2 Peter 3:3-5 (NLT)

Notice that Peter places the long duration of time since Jesus promised to come again, in context with the long period of time that God took when He created the universe.

All of these seemingly random events of the universe during the 13.799 billion years of its history, seem too long. It is for this reason that some have said that God created the universe in six days. When we carefully read the text of Genesis chapter 1, we see that the very first line of the Bible states that “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” When this creation took place, is not revealed.

Verse 2 tells us that when God began to prepare the earth for human habitation, it was covered with water and darkness. Verse 3 begins a description of six days in which light that already existed in the form of the sun and moon, were able to be seen on the surface of earth because God removed the canopy of vapor that blocked light from earth. Then God made the seeds that were already on the earth, begin to produce plants. He created animal life and finally human life, during six 24 hour days. Then on the seventh day, God rested. These seven days are not a description of the universe at its creation, but earth and it is prepared by God for human habitation. A 13.799 billion year old universe does not violate one principle of the Bible. In fact, it demonstrates the great love, care, and patience of God for all human beings.

The Beginning of the Universe: Reconciling 6 Days with 13.7 Billion Years

If you read the objections for an old universe by young earth advocates, you discover that their primary objection to the universe being created over a long process of billions of years, is that God would not do this. Their primary assertion for a old universe/old earth, is that this would mean that the universe evolved over billions of years. Of course, this is not true. Simply because God took a long period of time to do something, does not mean that He was not actively involved in doing all of these things. In fact, science proves that God had to be involved for the entire history of the universe.

While the world has been waiting for Jesus to fulfill His 2,000 year old promise to come again, God has been working in the world to prepare the hearts of people to receive Jesus as their Savior—every day.

Energy Converted To Matter, Takes Time

As the process of time in the early universe continues, the particles of energy stop changing back into energy and remain as matter. This is a process that God built into the universe to prepare it for the time when earth would be ready for man to inhabit this planet.

We think of 13.799 billion years as an extraordinarily long period of time. Peter, again commenting on how God operates in the universe, said that a thousand years to the Lord, is but one day. In context with the question of Jesus taking too long to return, Peter said that our view of time is all wrong. God lives outside of time. In eternity time does not exist. For God, a thousand years, is no more than a day. Jesus has only been gone for two days.

The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed, but wants everyone to repent. But the day of the Lord will come as unexpectedly as a thief. Then the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise, and the very elements themselves will disappear in fire, and the earth and everything on it will be found to deserve judgment. ~2 Peter 3:9-10 (NLT)

Notice again that Jesus’ delay in returning to earth, is placed before us in context with the creation of the universe, and its eventual destruction. Someday, Jesus will destroy the present universe and create a brand new universe. It is interesting that Peter correctly describes the scientific process for how the universe will be destroyed; a massive heat death.

“…the heavens will pass away with a terrible noise, and the very elements themselves will disappear in fire, and the earth and everything on it…”

As the particles of the early universe are slowing down by the cooling of the universe and becoming matter, we discover that at the same time there is a threat to the universe that was not known by scientists until recent history; antimatter.

Everything in the universe is made from matter. All the matter that exists today in the immensity of our universe, came from the pure energy that God created at the moment the universe began.

Einstein, by his mathematical equation, E=MC², means that energy is transformed into matter. At the time that Einstein formulated this equation is was only a theory. Today, scientists have seen this equation is reality as they have gone back in time to the moment when the universe began and have seen how pure energy was actually converted into all the matter that makes up our universe today.

Science Seeks To Understand The Early Universe

The world’s largest machine, a collider, is housed in Switzerland. Seventeen miles around, the size of a city, this massive machine was built to try and simulate the actual conditions that existed just millionths of a second after the universe began. The purpose of the Collider is to force tiny particles to collide with each other at near the speed of light. When these collisions take place, they create energy that would have been similar to what happened at the beginning of the universe.

When these collisions happen in the collider, energy is briefly transformed into matter in the same processes that took place at the inception of our universe. These tiny particles of matter only exist for a fraction of a second and move at velocities that are nearly impossible to detect. All that scientists can currently detect are the trails left behind after these collisions and conversions of energy to matter. The point of this exercise is to understand how energy transforms into matter.

Matter And AntiMatter

The specific type of matter that scientists are interested in is the kind that was produced in the early universe. When matter was first produced in our universe, antimatter was also produced. Antimatter is the mirror image of matter. Matter has a positive charge, antimatter has a negative charge. When these two opposites meet, they are both destroyed. If the early universe has contained equal parts of matter and antimatter, the universe would have ceased to exist at the beginning.

This would have resulted in no stars, planets, galaxies, or people on earth.

Incredibly, for every billion particles of antimatter, there were a billion and one particles of matter. This one little particle of matter is what survived in the early universe and made up all that exists. Here is where the events of the early universe become particularly interesting to us regarding whether God created the universe or it evolved by a natural process.

Impossible, Natural Processes

There is no possibility that this extra particle of matter, over antimatter, happened by chance. In order for the universe to begin, this requirement must have been known beforehand, and engineered specifically to develop in this way. If this process was left up to chance or a natural process, it could never have happened the first time and provided the proper conditions for matter to develop and make our universe possible.

By now you are beginning to see that processes which took place in Plank Time, or fractions of seconds, were not random, but planned. If any of these many processes did not take place the first time and with extreme precision, there would have never been a universe at all.

Intelligence is the only quantity in the universe that is capable of making precise decisions, and these decisions must be based on foreknowledge of where and when these events must take place—before they take place.

The Universe Proves God Exists: 209 Physical Constants Required For Life On Earth

Those who believe the universe is the product of blind luck or fortuitous events, don’t understand that in the real world, none of these events are possible if left to chance. In these precise processes, we can understand how God is absolutely essential to the creation of the universe and all life that exists. Without an infinite mind, there could be no universe or earth and none of us would ever exist.

After All This Has Taken Place, The Universe Is Still Just One Second Old!

The next stage of the universe that is required is the assembly of these tiny particles into atoms. The universe is still incredible hot and expanding at a rate beyond imagination. Temperatures continue to cool, the primitive particles start slowing down and bonding together. These become the first atoms that will make up the first elements of the universe. The first element is hydrogen. During the next three minutes, the universe acquires two more elements, helium and lithium.

The size of the universe is now light years in dimension. Everything that would later be understood as interesting, happened during the first three minutes. Not until 380,000 years after the universe began, did it all become transparent. Before this time, all that existed as the universe was an opaque, milky soup of electrons that would slow down and adhere to the new atoms that are being created. It took a great deal of time for all of the atoms of hydrogen, helium, and lithium to form. Scientists believe that this process took about 380,000 years before the universe was mass-producing atoms. As this process is completed, the first light is created and can be seen in the universe.

Cosmic Background Radiation

In 1964, two young scientists, Arno Penzias, and Robert Wilson, discovered cosmic radiation from the beginning of the universe. The sounds that these two men were hearing from the universe were the creation of atoms at the beginning of the universe. This was the moment when the milky, opaque cloud, cleared and light began in the universe by the formation of the first stars.

To confirm these findings, scientists launched the Cosmic Background Explorer Satellite, or COBE satellite on November 18, 1989, at 7:34 AM MST, that was pointed into space and took the temperature of the universe. By measuring differences in temperature across space, scientists created the first map of our early universe.

It is Interesting that they called these first images, “The Face of God.”

These images showed us what the infant universe looked like when it was just 380,000 years old. These early images were very fuzzy and resolution was not very clear. NASA decided to launch a more advanced satellite, known as the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), on June 30, 2001, at 12:46 PM MST.

Just one day after launch, the first signal came back from this satellite. The result of this new work provided us with the most detailed image of the early universe ever seen.

What The Universe Looked Like, 380,000 Years After It Began

Red and yellow areas are warmer; blue and green areas are cooler. The differences in these temperatures tell us how the future universe would develop. These tiny variations in temperature show us differences in density of matter. Some regions of space have more matter, others have less. Places with no matter, would later become empty space. Areas with dense matter will become the construction sites of galaxies, stars, and planets.

If the universe did not have these fluctuations in the density of matter, no stars could ever have formed. The question then arises, “how did the early universe—which is inanimate and has no mind of its’s own—know to distribute matter in these clusters so that galaxies, stars, and planets could form later?”

The obvious answer is, they could not possibly have known this. In fact, left to its own, by a natural process or by random acts of nature, these groups of matter that would make stars and planets possible later, could not have formed. This again becomes an empirical evidence of science from our universe which demand that intelligence acted upon the universe and caused this grouping of matter during unimaginable violence and extreme temperature. Whatever you want to call this Intelligence, it was a Non-Material Being, an Eternal Mind, which made these events possible.

At 380,000 years old and trillions and trillions of miles across, clouds of hydrogen and helium gas are floating in space. Not for an another 200 million years will these gases be compressed sufficiently by gravity, to become the first stars.

When the first stars were sufficiently compressed by gravity to begin their nuclear process, they lit up the universe in brilliant light. In every direction, the universe began to light up until it developed into what we see today when we look up into a night sky.

About one billion years after the first stars begin to light up, the first galaxy of stars begin to form. Over the next eight billion years, billions are added to the number of galaxies.

Earth Is Formed

About five billion years ago, is a quiet corner of one of these galaxies, in our Milky Way galaxy, gravity begins to form dust and gas to form our star that makes life on earth possible. It is now about nine billion years after the universe began, when our small solar system comes into existence. One of the planets that are formed during this process is earth, to which the Bible describes in Genesis chapter 1, when God made it ready for our habitation in six 24 hour days.

Young earth creationists object to an old universe because they say the text of Genesis chapter 1 specifically states that God created the universe in six literal 24 hour days. The problem is, Genesis chapter 1 does not say this.

Genesis 1:1 states that God created the heavens and the earth in the beginning. When the beginning occurred, we are not told.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. ~Genesis 1:1

The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. ~Genesis 1:2

Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light. ~Genesis 1:3

  • Verse 1. God created the heavens and the earth.
  • Verse 2. The earth first existed without form.
  • Verse 3. God formed the earth for habitation in six days.

There is no specific statement here in Genesis Chapter 1 that indicates the entire universe was created in six days. The references in verses 3-31 describe God’s work to make the earth ready for habitation during a period of six days.

  • Day 1: Genesis 1:3-5—God causes the light that is already in existence by our sun to be seen on the surface of the earth (no land yet).
  • Day 2: Genesis 1:6-8—dividing the thick atmosphere (firmament) of the earth from the water that covered the earth.
  • Day 3: Genesis 1:9-13—dividing the seas from the land so that land appears, and seeds begin to grow (seeds were already present); grass, herbs, and trees begin to grow.
  • Day 4: Genesis 1:14-19—the stars, moon, and sun are fully visible on the land of earth (they already existed but were unseen on the surface of the earth).
  • Day 5: Genesis 1:20-23—creation of fish, birds, and the larger sea creatures. Each created according to their own kind, not evolved.
  • Day 6: Genesis 1:24-31—creation of land animals, creation of man and woman, dominion over the earth given to man, command to reproduce; all plants, herbs, and trees given to mankind for food.
  • Day 7: God ends His work of creation on the earth, and He rests.

One of the verses from the Bible which has been used to make the case that the entire universe was created in six days is found in Exodus 31:17.

It is a sign between Me and the children of Israel forever; for in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, and on the seventh day He rested and was refreshed. ~Exodus 31:17

Notice that there is a different word used here (made) in reference to the six days of creation. Genesis 1:1 describes God as creating the heavens and the earth. The English word “create” came from the Hebrew word “bara,” which means to make from nothing.

The Hebrew word used in Exodus 31:17 for made is “mad,” which is correctly translated as measure and not to create from nothing as Genesis 1:1 indicates.

It is clear that Exodus 31:17 is not referring to the original creation of the universe, in Genesis 1:1, but to the time afterwards when God measured the heavens and the earth to bring the earth out of its formless state, as described in Genesis 1:2. It was then that God utilized the six days of preparing the earth for man, in Genesis 1:3-31.

A Universe By Intelligence, Not By Accident

The reality that the universe exhibits design characteristics, which are only possible by intelligence, demands a rational answer. We cannot satisfy science nor the questions of the existence of life by any other answer except that the universe was created. The “God of the gaps” excuse that was used for many years by creationists in explaining certain phenomenon is not necessary, for God is the solution to all the questions for how and why the Cosmos came into being and exists in the way we observe it.

The complexity of the universe requires an engineering process of infinite magnitude. The universe did not evolve into its present state. It was created and controlled in such a manner, that it would become an environment that would allow the earth to exist and people to inhabit the planet much later.

For complete and detailed information on the theories for the true age of the universe, see the book “A Universe From God” by the same author, Robert Clifton Robinson, available at Amazon Kindle Books.

The End Of The Universe

Our universe is still expanding and the speed of its expansion is increasing over time. Eventually, just as the universe began by God, it will also end by Him. Jesus promised that someday this present universe will be destroyed and He will create a new universe where sin, evil, sickness, suffering, and death, do not exist again.

Those who have read the Bible and learn who God is—the One who made the universe, understand that we are defective in our nature. God made us perfect, but we became imperfect by our own decisions to rebel against the perfection God and live our own way. Our rebellion and the defects of unrighteousness that are seen every day all over the earth, make it impossible for any one of us to live in the perfect world God will create. In order for this to be possible, our imperfection of sin must be removed.

When God came to earth in the form of a man, He lived without sin and offered His perfect life in exchange for ours. Jesus’ death paid for the sins of the whole world. According to God’s promise, everyone who believes God, and turns from their sins, to Jesus for their salvation, will be a part of God’s new and perfect world.

From this brief summary of what we know about the universe from science and cosmology, we understand that the universe only exists because intelligence acted upon it to make everything possible. It is impossible and absolutely unprovable that the universe just happened to begin by itself and was capable of achieving all of these precise events. The precision necessary to allow our universe to begin, develop, and sustain human life on earth, were only possible be forethought, design, engineering, and infinite power.

Critics of God and the Bible, frequently ask why the God described in the Bible is superior or different from any of the other gods or religions of the world. The reason that some people ask this question is because they don’t know the God who is described in the pages of the Bible. Anyone who studies the 66 books of the Hebrew and Greek scriptures, quickly learns that this God is unlike any other.

First of all, the gods and religions of the world all create from within what already exists. The God of the Bible states that He is the source of all creation. John chapter 1, Colossians chapter 1, and Hebrews chapter 1, are three places where Jesus is described as the causal agent of all that exits.

All things were made through Jesus, and without Him nothing was made that was made. ~John 1:3 (RCR)

For by Jesus all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. ~Colossians 1:16 (RCR)

Long ago God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets. And now in these final days, he has spoken to us through his Son. God promised everything to the Son as an inheritance, and through the Son he created the universe. ~Hebrews 1:1-2 (NLT)

Throughout the Bible, God claims that He alone is the source of the universe. He supports this assertion by including principles in the text which no man knew at the time these words were written. The Bible presents these scientific facts of the universe to us—precisely as they have existed since the beginning of the Cosmos.

  1. In the beginning there was nothing, when suddenly, the universe came into existence (Genesis 1:1).
  2. Time, Space, and Matter came into existence at the same precise moment (Genesis 1:1).
  3. The number of stars in the universe are so great in number, they cannot be counted (Jeremiah 33:22).
The Sun follows a circular course through the universe (Psalms 19:4-6).
  5. The Earth is a sphere (Isaiah 40:22).
  6. The Earth hangs in empty space, suspended by gravity (Job 26:7).
  7. All matter in the universe is made up of invisible material, consisting of Atoms (Hebrews 11:3).

See The Evidence For God

No other religion or god of this world has ever conveyed through the writings of their scriptures such detailed knowledge of the universe, prior to the scientific discovery of these facts. The One True God has presented these pieces of evidence to us as proof that He is the one who made the universe and the only one in whom we should trust.

To you it was shown, that you might know that the LORD Himself is God; there is none other besides Him. ~Deuteronomy 4:35

The Universe Exists As Scientific Evidence That God Must exist.


How dark is the sky, and what does that tell us about the number of galaxies in the visible universe? Astronomers can estimate the total number of galaxies by counting everything visible in a Hubble deep field and then multiplying them by the total area of the sky. But other galaxies are too faint and distant to directly detect. Yet while we can’t count them, their light suffuses space with a feeble glow.

To measure that glow, astronomical satellites have to escape the inner solar system and its light pollution, caused by sunlight reflecting off dust. A team of scientists has used observations by NASA’s New Horizons mission to Pluto and the Kuiper Belt to determine the brightness of this cosmic optical background. Their result sets an upper limit to the abundance of faint, unresolved galaxies, showing that they only number in the hundreds of billions, not 2 trillion galaxies as previously believed.

How dark does space get? If you get away from city lights and look up, the sky between the stars appears very dark indeed. Above the Earth’s atmosphere outer space dims even further, fading to an inky pitch-black. And yet even there, space isn’t absolutely black. The universe has a suffused feeble glimmer from innumerable distant stars and galaxies.

New measurements of that weak background glow show that the unseen galaxies are less plentiful than some theoretical studies suggested, numbering only in the hundreds of billions rather than the previously reported two trillion galaxies.

“It’s an important number to know – how many galaxies are there?” said Marc Postman of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore, Maryland, a lead author on the study. “We simply don’t see the light from two trillion galaxies.”

The earlier estimate was extrapolated from very deep sky observations by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. It relied on mathematical models to estimate how many galaxies were too small and faint for Hubble to see. That team concluded that 90% of the galaxies in the universe were beyond Hubble’s ability to detect in visible light. The new findings, which relied on measurements from NASA’s distant New Horizons mission, suggest a much more modest number.”

[1] A zeptosecond, or a trillionth of a billionth of a second, is a unit of Plank Time, the measurement used in calculating the events which took place during the first second of the universe. Plank Time is approximately 5.39 × 10 −44 s, named after Max Planck.
[2] Albert Einstein, “Kosmologische Betrachtungen zur allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie,” in Sitzungsberichte der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften (1917), Feb. 8, 142– 52. The English translation is in The Principle of Relativity: A Collection of Original Memoirs on the Special and General Theory of Relativity by H. A. Lorentz, A. Einstein, H. Minkowski, and H. Weyl with notes by A. Sommerfeld and translated by W. Perrett and G. B. Jeffrey (London, UK: Methuen and Co., 1923), 175– 88; Albert Einstein, “Die Grundlage der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie,” Annalen der Physik 354 (1916): 769– 822. The English translation is in The Principle of Relativity, 109– 64, doi: 10.1002/ andp. 19163540702. Ross, Hugh. The Creator and the Cosmos: How the Latest Scientific Discoveries Reveal God (Kindle Locations 4688-4693). RTB Press. Kindle Edition.
[3]  Vibert Douglas, “Forty Minutes with Einstein,” Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada 50 (June 1956): 100. Ross, Hugh. The Creator and the Cosmos: How the Latest Scientific Discoveries Reveal God (Kindle Locations 4693-4694). RTB Press. Kindle Edition.
[4] Ross, Hugh. The Creator and the Cosmos: How the Latest Scientific Discoveries Reveal God (Kindle Locations 659-666). RTB Press. Kindle Edition.
[5]  T. de Haan et al., “Cosmological Constraints from Galaxy Clusters in the 2500 Square-Degree SPT-SZ Survey,” Astrophysical Journal 832 (November 18, 2016): id. 95, doi: 10.3847/ 0004-637X/ 832/ 1/ 95; B. Sartoris et al., “Next Generation Cosmology: Constraints from the Euclid Galaxy Cluster Survey,” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 459 (June 21, 2016): 1764– 80, doi: 10.1093/ mnras/ stw630; Ariel G. Sánchez et al., “The Clustering of Galaxies in the Completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Cosmological Implications of the Configuration-Space Clustering Wedges,” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 464 (January 11, 2017): 1640– 58, doi: 10.1093/ mnras/ stw2443; Jan Niklas Grieb et al., “The Clustering of Galaxies in the Completed SDSS-III Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey: Cosmological Implications of the Fourier Space Wedges of the Final Sample,” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 467 (May 21, 2017): 2085– 112, doi: 10.1093/ mnras/ stw3384; J. Kwan et al., “Cosmology from Large-Scale Galaxy Clustering and Galaxy-Galaxy Lensing with Dark Energy Survey Science Verification Data,” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 464 (February 1, 2017): 4045– 62, doi: 10.1093/ mnras/ stw2464; Vincent R. Bouillot et al., “Probing Dark Energy Models with Extreme Pairwise Velocities of Galaxy Clusters from the DEUS-FUR Simulations,” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 450 (June 11, 2015): 145– 59, doi: 10.1093/ mnras/ stv558; Alejo Stark, Christopher J. Miller, and Daniel Gifford, “On Escaping a Galaxy Cluster in an Accelerating Universe,” Astrophysical Journal 830 (October 17, 2016): id. 109, doi: 10.3847/ 0004-637X/ 830/ 2/ 109; Christian Marinoni and Adeline Buzzi, “A Geometric Measure of Dark Energy with Pairs of Galaxies,” Nature 468 (November 25, 2010): 539– 41, doi: 10.1038/ nature09577; T. Abbott et al., “Cosmology from Cosmic Shear with Dark Energy Survey Science Verification Data,” Physical Review D 94 (July 6, 2016): id. 022001, doi: 10.1103/ PhysRevD. 94.022001; Masato Shirasaki, Takashi Hamana, and Naoki Yoshida, “Probing Cosmology with Weak Lensing Selected Clusters. II. Dark Energy and f( R) Gravity Models,” Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan 68 (February 1, 2016): id. 414, doi: 10.1093/ pasj/ psv105; Adam Mantz et al., “Weighing the Giants: Galaxy Cluster Cosmology Anchored by Weak Gravitational Lensing,” (American Astronomical Society HEAD Meeting #14, Chicago, IL, August 2014); Fulvio Melia, Jun-Jie Wei, and Xue-Feng Wu, “A Comparison of Cosmological Models Using Strong Gravitational Lensing Galaxies,” Astronomical Journal 149 (November 25, 2014): id. 2, doi: 10.1088/ 0004-6256/ 149/ 1/ 2; Xiao-Dong Li et al., “Cosmological Constraints from the Redshift Dependence of the Alcock-Paczynski Effect: Application to the SDSS-III Boss DR12 Galaxies,” Astrophysical Journal 832 (November 21, 2016): id. 103, doi: 10.3847/ 0004-637X/ 832/ 2/ 103; Xue Li, Jens Hjorth, and Radosław Wojtak, “Cosmological Parameters from Supernovae Associated with Gamma Ray Bursts,”  Astrophysical Journal Letters 796 (October 31, 2014): id. L4, doi: 10.1088/ 2041-8205/ 796/ 1/ L4; L. Izzo et al., “New Measurements of Ωm from Gamma-Ray Bursts,” Astronomy & Astrophysics 582 (October 2015): id. A115, doi: 10.1051/ 0004-6361/ 201526461; Marek Demianski et al., “Cosmology from Gamma-Ray Bursts II. Cosmography Challenges and Cosmological Scenarios for the Accelerated Universe,” Astronomy & Astrophysics 598 (February 2017): id. A113, doi: 10.1051/ 0004-6361/ 201628911; Marek Demianski et al., “Cosmology with Gamma-Ray Bursts. I. The Hubble Diagram through the Calibrated Ep, i– Eiso Correlation,” Astronomy & Astrophysics 598 (February 2017): id. A122, doi: 10.1051/ 0004-6361/ 201628909. Ross, Hugh. The Creator and the Cosmos: How the Latest Scientific Discoveries Reveal God.
[6] Philip Ball, “Is Physics Watching Over Us?.”
[7] ibid[2] Davies, Paul. 1983. God and the New Physics. London, J M Dent & Sons
[8] Ibid.

Categories: Agnostics and Skeptics, Empirical Evidence for God, Evolution, Forgiveness of Sin, God is Eternal, How Intelligence Acted Upon The Universe, How Salvation Occurs, Origin of the Universe, Physical Constants, Religion vs. Relationship, Robert Clifton Robinson, Salvation through Jesus, Science and the Bible, Scientists Who Believe in God, The age of the Universe, The Existence of God, Understanding Eternity, Why evil exists

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12 replies

  1. You start with “The idea that the universe exists as a product of natural events, is unprovable by any scientific evidence”?
    That is literally all we see and currently know about the universe. We have not one shred of evidence for anything supernatural, or outside of nature. All we currently have is natural processes and is agreed upon literally all scientists. Only ones whom disagree are the ones who are either contractually obligated to do so by their theological organizations or for their personal biases. Science in general doesn’t prove any metaphysical, supernatural elements. We have absolutely NO methodology to conclude your “intelligence” hypothesis. Simply saying ”

    “Throughout the Bible, God claims that He alone is the source of the universe. He supports this assertion by including principles in the text”
    God claims? wrong. People claimed what they thought their god that they believed in claimed, monumental difference. So far not the critical thinking historian you’re proclaimed to be. Let’s continue and give you the benefit of the doubt….

    “In the beginning there was nothing, when suddenly, the universe came into existence (Genesis 1:1).”
    That is a hypothesis that’s not even proven. We don’t even know if the universe had a beginning, or that time began at the Big Bang. Current cosmology suggests that the Big Bang may have been a moment, a phase in the universe. The universe may be eternal. The fact that we don’t know yet, you must refrain from certainty. The people who wrote the Bible were less informed than us, and the future generations will be more informed than us.

    “Before the universe or anything else existed, there was a Being who has lived forever. He is the ultimate transcendent Being. He possesses the technology and mind that was necessary to cause a universe like the one we observe, to begin and exist.”
    You don’t know this, it’s simply an assertion. Your ‘necessity’ argument is tied to the fallacy of personal incredulity and argumentum ad ignorantiam.

    Just because everything we currently know in the universe is contingent. Does NOT entail that what we currently don’t know yet is contingent. That would be the fallacy of Composition.
    I’ve not even close to finish reading and already an abundance of fallacies, and speculations masquerading as certainty.

    Because I know (The KCA) that it’s popular among apologists. The arguments in my link are the consensus currently even with Alexander Vilenkin (BGV theorem that WLC misrepresents profusely).
    If the universe turns out had a cause, it does not entail that the cause is a god, nor that it’s your specific god, quoting scripture is not evidence, it’s the claim. And you have no way of demonstrating your claims to be true. If the universe had a cause, I would like a step by step methodological chart of how you go from ‘necessary cause’ to Christian God of the Bible. THAT will win you the Nobel Prize, which is the main reason nobody even won that prize for solving life’s greatest mystery.

    “The Four Scientific Evidences That We Can Prove Today:
    The origin of the universe.
    The origin of life.
    The origin of human beings.
    The design of the created universe for the benefit of human being.
    It is common knowledge among secular scientists today that there is compelling evidence is for a Causal Agent beyond space and time”

    The origin of the universe? If you mean the Big Bang then yes.
    The origin of life? If you mean abiogenesis, then no we don’t.
    The origin of human beings? If you mean by evolution then yes otherwise no.
    “The design of the universe for the benefit of human beings”? Did you really write this? You do know 99% of the universe we can currently examine is inhospitable to us….99% of the universe is inhospitable to us and you conclude “Design of the universe for the benefit of human beings”…I’m completely lost at this non-sequitur and this is exactly why peer review is important. It is not perfect, however it’s there for a reason. To discern logically sound hypothesis from the fallacious ones. This article would never pass scientific process of peer review. It’s rife with fallacies.
    Let’s continue…

    “How could everything that exists today, come from nothing?” So the argument from personal incredulity? Which is a fallacy. “Nothing” in space is not what we colloquially use for nothing (emptiness). Nothing in science weighs something. Your equivocation here shows the misunderstanding of science….

    “This is precisely what the evidence of science today, proves. There is absolutely no evidence that any other universes exist, or that any other universe was responsible for the creation of our universe. These are all interesting ideas but they have no practical scientific evidence to support them.”
    Science doesn’t prove anything with absolute certainty. Science builds tentative probabilistic models about what we currently know to be true, and is subject to revision given new evidence. The Multiverse theory is probable not proven. Same with eternal-universe models proposed by many physicists (Dr. Sean Carroll is leading scholar I believe).

    You say “The problem is that what Krauss and Hawking proposed is not provable science. We cannot see beyond our universe to observe if any other universes actually do exit.” They didn’t prove it, that’s not even their argument. They say it’s probable, which that they demonstrated. You can’t even prove your Christian God is the cause, when you can’t even prove that there was a cause. It was never proved with absolute certainty. Now if we can’t see beyond our universe to observe, test, measure other universes, how can you count that out as a possibility? With your very potent special pleading fallacies throughout this article we can see the circular logic as the motif. Putting that aside, if there are other possible even probable natural explanations how can you propose and conclude the supernatural like a god..let alone your specific god? It’s nonsensical to even conclude this. The natural we can observe and it’s all we currently see, supernatural has never been demonstrated to be true, nor do we have a reliable method to investigate any claims regarding god/supernatural.

    So Jesus’ prophecy of coming back…Oh boy! If you take everything we currently know about the universe and you actually think Jesus will come down from the clouds with his army of angels, then you are being purposefully intellectually dishonest. Second, he was supposed to come back in HIS generation. He “allegedly- because the Bible is the claim not the evidence” that he didn’t know the time nor the day but that HIS generation shall not pass until all these things has happened Mark 13:24-32. And Luke 9:27, Mark 9:1, Matt 16:28 supports this. In other words he was likely another failed apocalyptic prophet of the first century. My article that I sent you on twitter I explain the problems with prophesies in general.

    The article is clearly problematic as noted above by the handful of fallacious arguments and conjectures masquerading as verisimilitude.

    Noticeable fallacies you’ve used throughout more than once, I would need to write another few gargantuan paragraphs just to explain them all (Which I wont waste more time doing, so many face-palms already).

    Fallacies in this article (May have missed a few others):
    – Argument from personal Incredulity
    – Non-Sequiturs
    – Argumentum ad Ignorantiam
    – Equivocation fallacies (regarding “nothing” in science).
    – Confirmation biases
    – Special Pleading
    – God of the Gaps
    – Circular logic
    – Fallacy of Composition
    – Possibiliter ergo probabiliter fallacy

    Frankly it was great word salad, but I was quite disappointed to say the least. Lots of big words and esoteric jargon that looks great, but once we notice the fallacies, it falls apart quite quickly (First paragraph even).
    This article is rife with fallacies, unsound arguments and this is precisely the main reason peer review is required (Which I understand why you wont publish with that process – although not perfect system, it is the best system we currently have at discern good/bad arguments). Your arguments are essentially unproven hypotheses that you preferred over other equally plausible or better explanations and you assert them for your syllogism. THAT is what we call a flawed syllogism and is discarded because it’s not logically and epistemologically sound.

    Your entire agenda driven article is telling. You use an unproven hypothesis (god) and use it to epistemically answer every mystery of the universe (God of the gaps). Those are no-no’s in proper argumentation.
    Then you invoke Jesus into this when you’re assuming all the claims about him are true in every way when nobody can conclude this given the problematic issues with the unreliability of the Bible. EVEN if the Bible had no errors, they are still claims. Majority of claims of specific characters and events in antiquity we can say what probably happened, but nothing is for certain. Depending on who wrote about whom, if they hated you, you can guarantee they’ll embellish to make you look bad. If they like you, they could embellish to make you look good, with caricatures etc. You have no clue who wrote the Bible, you even asserted Paul wrote Hebrews when that is vehemently disputed among scholars about the authorship. You have no clue about the motif of the authors, or whether we should trust them. Or even know their theological or political motif (see thousands of denominations disagreeing on doctrine/scripture). Those are presuppositions and preconceived notions you have that are affecting your methodology and epistemology which is why there are so many fallacies.

    For your conclusion to be true, you need all your premises and arguments to be true first. And you presuppose them to be true in order to arrive at your conclusion, which is fallacious.

    First you don’t prove god of the Bible with the Bible, thats circular fallacy.
    Like you don’t prove Mohammed and Islam with the Qu’ran.

    Second, philosophical arguments isn’t proof either. That’s not how the fundamental rules of logic works.

    Third, I do recommend you to get your article peer reviewed. But after reading this, I know why you wont.

    fourth, provide the step by step methodology that will demonstrate with absolute certainty that your God of the Bible is true (Which you will collect the Nobel Prize and deservedly so).Since you made the claim of certainty over and over that Christian God exists and is the creator etc. Shouldn’t you reconcile the burden of proof that has yet to be met?

    I feel like I lost 2h’s of my time writing this because I know you will probably not adjust anything since you’ve dedicated your whole life to fallacious reasoning as evidence to support your belief.

    I will only respond to your next reply IF there is not 1 fallacy! I see one, i’ll call you out and ignore the rest. I’ve debated many theists who profusely use fallacies, can’t understand them and/or reuse them because it’s all they have. It’s very time consuming.
    Please make sure to include the (As you asserted before that you can) scientific step by step method for proving the Christian God exists.

    Kind regards,


    Liked by 1 person

    • I must say, I was disappointed in your comments.

      First, you didn’t read the entire article. You actually commented only on the introduction, not the actual science of the universe in the creative process that exists in the body of text you never read.

      From what you asserted about yourself, I expected a honest, thorough exegesis of the entire article. It is difficult to take you serious now that I have personally observed your comments.

      It you were genuinely a serious student, the first premise you should have learned is honesty in making your conclusions. Unfortunately, you did not take this course, but resorted to the same kind of dishonest observations that today’s atheist scholars resort to; selective rebuttal.

      I told you before you read the article that the first part, the first 1/3 of the article, was my commentary as an introduction. From your comments, it is clear this is all you read, as this is all that you commented on.

      Essentially, your rebuttal was for the preface of the article, while you ignored the body of the text which details the points that are made in the preface, explained by the scientific process.

      The article is 10,000 words, you made rebuttal on about 1,000 words.

      To make matters worse, you made final conclusions about my entire theory while not reading all that I wrote. A bit like reading the preface of a book and making a report on the preface, rather than the entire book. If you had done this in your college courses, you would have failed.

      Whether you did this unintentionally, or purposefully, the comments that you did leave, proved to me that you are disingenuous in your views, knowledge of the actual science, and desire for honest discourse.

      Unless this was a mere oversight on your part, I don’t think you and I can continue.

      At the very least, I expected honesty from you. I don’t mind if your views are different from mine, but I do mind when you write a rebuttal that insinuates you read and understood the entire article, but didn’t read past the introduction.

      What is your actual level of education?

      You were in a hurry to post a rebuttal, but not ready to take a little time and read the essential part of the article that really mattered; the scientific explanation for why the universe exists by intelligence. Worse, because you failed to read the science, you accused me of engaging in a metaphysical conclusions for the existence of the universe, which I never asserted. I used the known science for the processes that the universe went through, that prove that intelligence was essential in order to accomplish these processes.

      You didn’t read any of this.

      If you had actually read the article, you would have noted that it is intelligence that I described as the reason for the universe because of the operation involved in creating 1,978 physical constants that could not exist by a natural process.

      Because you never read this far, and stopped at the introduction to the article, all of your comments are irrelevant. They do not reflect the actual text of the article, nor the science that is described therein.

      Based on what you said about yourself, I expected much more from you. I was sorely disappointed in your half-hearted attempt at reviewing such an important subject.


      I just read your argument for the Kalam Cosmological Argument

      Your entire hypothesis is based upon conjecture. Everything that you stated as an impeachment for kalam, cannot be proven by any scientific process. This is a common atheist tactic; assert alternative explainations without providing actual evidence. I am sure that in your mind this satisfies the need for a rebuttal, but is does not come close.

      If you are going to impeach any hypothesis, you must provide evidence to prove your points. Case in point:

      “The Big Bang model may have been a phase in the universe not necessarily the beginning of it all.”

      This idea of yours cannot be proven by any provable science. Essentially, you are guessing. The science that does exist today proves that our universe is the only one, and that there was nothing before the Big Bang. The ideas that you propose, exist only as mathematical calculations, but cannot be proven by an scientific process. This is not science, it is pure conjecture.

      I would imagine that this is how you seek to impeach the fine-tuned universe as well. The problem is, the science proves that no natural process is capable of fine-tuning.

      I understand how you think at this point and although you assert that you know science, your article does not display this knowledge.

      Stick with the provable science and stay away from the theoretical.

      Post Script:

      I also read the reasons that you gave for leaving Christianity. If these are really the reason that you left, it is clear why. You have not understood any of the subjects that you claimed to have knowledge of in your article.

      First, all of the reasons that you listed for inconsistencies and difficulties are simply because you didn’t understand what you were reading. You claim to have training in Hebrew and Greek. I am certain that you do not.

      Essentially, you did not understand these difficulties and rather than seek answers, you concluded that the Bible is wrong and God doesn’t exist.

      It is clear to me now that whatever education you claimed in your Twitter posts and in your comments at my site, is not at all true. I can see that the way you write and the manner in which you state problems and how you arrive at answers is somewhat like a high school student.

      Thank you for providing the texts you gave me. I understand now who you are now and why you are having these difficulties you assert. You are following a long list of persons before you who make excuses for why they can’t believe in God, but in actual practice, it is your own failure to really seek the truth that is the problem. You are an atheist by choice, not because of the difficulties you claim in your brief articles.

      Every problem you listed have a very simple answers. The fact that you did not seek these answers, but instead, impugn the Bible and God, tells me you have a personal bias and agenda against God for personal reasons, not for evidentiary reasons.


  2. This jumped out at me: “[W]e realize that we are living in a universe that was specifically engineered for us.”

    For us? For Homo sapiens? What about Laniakea? Seeing that our home, the Milky Way, exists on the outskirts of Laniakea, who are you to say that the universe exists for us? For all we know, there could be intelligent life existing on the “other side” of Laniakea and it could be a form of life that is far more intelligent than Homo sapiens. In other words, it’s possible we could be intellectually dwarfed (and maybe even physically) by “superior beings” (whatever that could really mean) that live elsewhere in the universe.

    A more honest understanding of our situation and recognition of our limited knowledge of the universe could go something like this: “From our perspective on Earth, it seems we are living in a universe that appears specifically engineered for us. However tantalizing that belief my seem, this would be an ill-informed belief in light of our profound ignorance with regard to what’s going on elsewhere in the universe. Until confirmation arrives showing that life does indeed exist elsewhere—hardly a farfetched belief given that many of the ingredients that constitute us exist in abundance elsewhere in the universe (carbon, for example)—an honest humility requires us to refrain from asserting that the universe exists for us.”

    That works.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your comments. I appreciate that you decided to make an intelligent answer to these important questions here.

      I think that you misunderstood the word “us.”

      By “us,” I mean advance, intelligent life forms. I do not know whether there are other intelligent beings elsewhere in the universe. This is possible, though unlikely given what we known today regarding the science of the universe. If you read the 1,978 physical constants that are fine-tuned to make advanced life possible, and how closely these constants are tuned, it is the opinion of many scientists that these precise constants probably do not occur in any other location in the universe.

      If we do find advanced life on other planets, this does not impeach the certainty that God must exist, it only strengthens this evidence.

      What we do find in the science of the universe is that there is absolutely no proof that any natural process is responsible for our universe. What can be proven by science is that the events I described in great detail in this article, events that require intelligence to occur, are proof that a Being of infinite intelligence exists.

      Because this evidence is so compelling and conclusive, many scientists have changed their comments from not believing the universe exists by intelligence, to created by an alien species more advanced than humans.

      We are moving closer to a consensus that an intelligent Being is responsible for the universe, every year. The evidence proves this and despite every attempt to assert that other universes caused our own, there is no scientific, provable evidence, that any other universes actually do exist. The only alternative is that it was created by a Being who knew ahead of time what the physical constants must be for advanced life, and then set about to control the universe so that it would exact a specific outcome that would permit humans to live on earth or any other planet.

      It does not seem that you read the entire article. I would encourage you to go back and read the entire text. Perhaps you will find that there is scientific evidence for an intelligent source for our universe and this will lead you on a journey similar to my own that began 45 years ago.

      I only believe that God must exist because of provable evidence. Faith is only the byproduct of what the evidence proves.

      Thanks again for your sincere comments.


      • No, it is most certainly not the “opinion of many scientists that these precise constants probably do not occur in any other location in the universe.” Only religious people would make such a broad assertion. An honest scientist, on the hand, will or would say “I don’t know.”

        There is no consensus for the existence of a Supreme Being. I take that back. There is consensus, but this consensus exists only among believers.

        “There is absolutely no proof that any natural process is responsible for our universe.” Wrong. There was indeed a Big Bang (Lemaître, a Catholic priest, had a hand in discovering it), and it was a natural process because there is no evidence that it happened because of a super-natural intervention (deliberate hyphen for emphasis). The Big Bang was a natural process (that we don’t fully understand) in exactly the same way that tornadoes occur by way of a natural process and that photosynthesis is accounted for by a natural process and, to cite the Big Kahuna of biology, that life has evolved by a natural process. To believe there was a Supernatural Entity behind the Big Bang is only a mere and empty belief. Baseless conjecture, in other words.

        Finally, when and if intelligent life is discovered, Christianity will become null and void because “The Story of Jesus” will be irrelevant to these other life forms. This, obviously, applies to all other religious fictions: Hinduism will also have an equivalent meaning—none—to these other life forms. But if you want to argue that Jesus was an extraterrestrial traveler and that he died for the sins of these other beings (a prima facie inane concept because there’s no such thing as “sin”), I can’t stop you from engaging in such a whimsical fiction.

        By the way, it appears that God loved dinosaurs more than he loved human beings in light of the fact that dinosaurs lived for a much longer period of time than humans have existed. But then God got bored (apparently), killed all the dinosaurs, and then let evolution take its course again to give rise to humans. Humans (in their current form) have existed for approximately 200,000 years (maybe 300,000 years) whereas dinosaurs lived for almost 200 million years. Odd, isn’t it? Believers say that the universe exists for Homo sapiens or that Homo sapiens are the center of this alleged god’s supposed creation—and yet this Celestial Entity took his sweet time in creating humans! Fascinating, as Mr. Spock would say.

        Now, if you respond with any assertion that Christianity WILL indeed apply to other beings on other planets where Jesus did not live or visit, well, that will be a highly entertaining exegesis on your part.


      • No, it is most certainly not the “opinion of many scientists that these precise constants probably do not occur in any other location in the universe.” Only religious people would make such a broad assertion. An honest scientist, on the hand, will or would say “I don’t know.”

        The facts of science that are known today, concludes that the universe is fine-tuned for life. There is no ambiguity in these facts. The only question that remains amongst some scientists, is how this fine-tuning occurred.

        By its very nature, fine-tuning demands that physical constants which are precisely set, cannot occur by any natural process. Only by asserting that an infinite number of other universes exist can some scientists maintain that we would expect that there would be other universes like ours which would emerge naturally, and have the capacity to support advanced life. Although a sound mathematical theorem, the multiverse is a non-scientific theory that cannot be proven. We cannot see beyond our own universe to actually observe if there are other universes. Additionally, our current scientific view of string theory postulates that these infinite numbers of other universes that are predicted, cannot accommodate the stable dark energy required in any universe. The provable evidence that does exist today, describes our universe as singular.

        Even if the various theories for the multiverse could be confirmed by provable science, this would also demand intelligence. Understanding that nearly 2,000 physical constants throughout the entire 13.799 billion year history of the universe, are necessary for life on earth, scientists today acknowledge that it is highly unlikely that intelligent life exists anywhere else in the universe except on earth.

        To expand the impossible existence of precise physical constants to multiple other universes, only increases the need for an intelligent, causal agent as their source.

        In any way that scientists imagine a natural process to try and explain the fine-tuned universe we live in, we always come back to only one sound answer, our universe is only possible by intelligence.

        Your idea that fine-tuned physical constants only occur in our galaxy, solar system and planet are incorrect. From -430th of the first second, the entire universe began its first fine-tuned events. The entire universe was meticulously controlled to exact a specific outcome, from the first zeptosecond.

        More than fine-tuned, advanced knowledge was necessary before the universe began for precisely how these constants must be finely balanced. Gravity and electromagnetism were set precisely the instant the microscopic particle of energy that contained all that exists, began to expand. Gravity and electromagnetism did not try and fail to achieve a precise balance until they got it right, the were set exactly where they had to be or the universe would have immediately collapsed back upon itself.

        This instantaneous creation of precise constants also occurred for every atom that would exist in the universe, at the beginning.

        Everything which exists in the universe consists of atoms. Within every atom there are electrons and protons. The mass difference between a proton and an electron is 1: 1836. This means that the proton is precisely 1,836 times larger than an electron.

        Despite this difference in size, both have the exact same electric charge. If we were to alter this electric charge by one part in 100 billion, every atom in the universe would self destruct. What is the power that created this precise balance to make life possible? What is the power that holds the entire universe together so that it does not change slightly and collapse into a massive heat death? This could not have been achieved by accident, they were caused to exist by intelligence.

        If you really believe gravity and electromagnetism knew where they needed to be set, in less than one second at the conception of the universe, please tell me how this could occur by a natural, undirected process?

        This question is, of course, rhetorical. Science already knows that the precise balance of the atom could not have happen by random occurrence.

        Every natural process requires trial and error before they find the correct outcome. Unless every event of the initial universe took place just right, in less than one second, the universe would have never achieved intelligent life 13 billion years later. How could a natural process know in advance where the balance of gravity and electromagnetism must be set. How could a natural process know before the universe began, mass difference between a proton and an electron at 1: 1836 by an purely natural and unguided process? Of course, they could not.

        There is no consensus for the existence of a Supreme Being. I take that back. There is consensus, but this consensus exists only among believers.

        The consensus that does exist today is that the universe exists and advanced life is possible, only because of fine-tuned physical constants. How these constants exit and what caused them, is what is hotly debated.

        The problem for those who deny that intelligence has engineered these precise settings, is that they have not been able to prove that any natural process could achieve this. You should understand that no scientist has ever proven that fine-tuning came about by a natural or evolutionary process. Despite many attempts by noted theoretical physicists through mathematical models, not one of these models has ever been scientifically validated.

        The certainty that an intelligent Being, capable of the knowledge and engineering skills necessary to create our universe, is proven by what this Being has made. It is not a matter of simple faith, but this is a fact that is proven by the scientific evidence we currently have for our universe.

        The need for intelligence to explain our universe is so compelling that many scientists today have abandoned their assertion of the multiverse as the reason fine-tuning exists, to the “Alien Design Theory.” This theory suggests that our universe may have been designed by extra-universal aliens. In the minds of some, this posit would solve the problem of how a designer was capable of fine-tuning the universe for advanced life forms.

        I find this explanation very interesting because it is really what I have been saying all along: the ultimate alien Being who has existed forever and is responsible for all that exists, created our universe by these fine-tuned constants so that human beings could live on earth.

        “There is absolutely no proof that any natural process is responsible for our universe.” Wrong. There was indeed a Big Bang (Lemaître, a Catholic priest, had a hand in discovering it)

        Perhaps you should educate yourself regarding the big bang. This is exactly what I have been telling you. The setting of precise physical constants took place at the moment the big bang occurred. It seems that you don’t understand this. It is clear from your comments that your knowledge of the commencement of the universe (big bang), does not include knowledge of the events which occurred in the first zeptosecond, and up to the first three minutes.

        You are very quick to say “no,” or “wrong,” without really knowing that it is your lack of education that is causing your response. I would suggest that further education is required. You can start with this article that is a precise, scientific, yet layman explanation, for exactly how the universe began.

        You seem to have the idea that because I believe God created the universe, whatever I have written cannot be accurate. You should know that what I have written in this article of just over 10,000 words, came from what science has already proven today. There are thousands of scientists today who believe God created the universe and the physical constants that are fine-tuned to make advanced life possible, proves that God exists. I list these scientists in some of my books.

        Finally, when and if intelligent life is discovered, Christianity will become null and void because “The Story of Jesus” will be irrelevant to these other life forms…But if you want to argue that Jesus was an extraterrestrial traveler and that he died for the sins of these other beings (a prima facie inane concept because there’s no such thing as “sin”), I can’t stop you from engaging in such a whimsical fiction.

        The reason that you say these things is because you don’t know the scriptures. Jesus died only for the sins of the descendants of Adam. He did not die for the sins of angels or any other creation. This is the clear message of the Bible.

        If any other creatures do exist on any other planet, they are irrelevant to our story of sin and redemption.

        It is interesting that you deny the existence of sin. This is likely due to your lack of education in the what God has said. Please allow me to give you a brief synopsis:

        God created man perfect and without sin. Sin entered the human species by rebellion against God. Sin spread to every human being and we are all sinners by nature.

        Sin is defined as the inability of moral perfection. We all lack moral perfection, as is evident by the condition of the entire world.

        If you believe that sin does not exist and that you are not a sinner, consider this issue from God’s perspective:

        * Have you ever lied? Yes, of course, we all have. Therefore, we are all liars, and are correctly defined as “sinners.”
        * Have you ever taken anything that was not yours? Of course, we all have. We are all thieves.
        * Have you ever looked at a woman to lust for her? Every man could answer this in the affirmative.
        * Have you ever been so angry at someone that you wished them harm? According to Jesus, anger in the heart is where murder originates.
        * Have you ever coveted anything that someone else has?
        * Have you ever failed to love and worship God as He deserves?
        * Have you ever placed greater time, attention, or affection upon anyone or anything, more than God, who deserves to be first and before all other things.
        * Have you ever dishonored you parents in any way with harsh words, angry thoughts, or failure to do as they had instructed you?
        * Have you ever failed to take one day in seven to rest and honor God?

        Of course the answer to all of these is obvious for every human being. We have all failed to live morally perfect lives. This is how we are defined as sinners. Of course sin is a reality. It is what ruins life for us on earth.

        According to James 2:10, if we have broken even one of these laws of God, we are guilty of breaking them all. The standard of God is perfection. God is perfect, He created us perfect, He demands that we be perfect.

        The problem is that none of us are perfect, nor is it possible for us to ever be perfect. And we have all broken God’s laws. We are all sinners

        Because of our present condition, It is not possible for anyone of us to do anything to save ourselves, or any other person. No human being, religion, or church can save a human being. No sinner can save another sinner. Every god and religion is comprised of imperfect beings.

        Our situation was hopeless…

        If the descendants of Adam would be saved, this could only be possible if God would intervene.

        Only a perfect human being who was without moral defect (sin), could act as a Savior for all human beings.

        Only Jesus lived a perfect life, without sin, qualifying Him as the perfect Savior we needed.

        Just as the disobedience of one man, Adam, caused the fall of all human beings, the obedience of one man, Jesus, made-possible the redemption of all human beings.

        So in answer to your assertion that sin does not exist, what do you call all of the evil and wrongful acts that people do on earth every day?

        Is murder, rape, robbery, deceit, greed, and sexual abuse acceptable to you? If not, then you agree that sin exists and these acts are wrong.

        God did not create us to live in a world like this with evil, sickness, suffering, and death. These things came into our world because of the actions of people.

        God has done something about these plagues of human life. All evil and suffering that we endure on earth will soon end. God came to earth and took the body of a man and lived a perfect life. He paid the penalty for our sins on the cross. Every person who believes this, God gives eternal life.

        Those who hurt, kill, cause suffering, and all sickness and death, will all come to end.

        God chose to give the world the past 2,000 years to hear this message and respond. After a period of time that God has determined, this present universe will end and God will create a new universe filled with perfect beings who will live forever and experience a perfect life.

        This is the message that is told in the Bible and the reason that Jesus came. John 1, Colossians 1, and Hebrews 1, describe Jesus as the Creator of the universe, and the Savior of this world, and only this world.

        By the way, it appears that God loved dinosaurs more than he loved human beings in light of the fact that dinosaurs lived for a much longer period of time than humans have existed. But then God got bored (apparently), killed all the dinosaurs, and then let evolution take its course again to give rise to humans. Humans (in their current form) have existed for approximately 200,000 years (maybe 300,000 years) whereas dinosaurs lived for almost 200 million years. Odd, isn’t it? Believers say that the universe exists for Homo sapiens or that Homo sapiens are the center of this alleged god’s supposed creation—and yet this Celestial Entity took his sweet time in creating humans! Fascinating, as Mr. Spock would say. Now, if you respond with any assertion that Christianity WILL indeed apply to other beings on other planets where Jesus did not live or visit, well, that will be a highly entertaining exegesis on your part.

        Your argument that God loved the dinosaurs more than He loved us, is impeached by one very simple argument:

        God did not send His Son to die for the dinosaurs, He did Send Jesus to die for every human being on earth. Is this, the love that God has for all of us is proven as infinitely greater than all other creatures in the universe, and for all time.

        The New Testament says that if God did not love us just as much as He loved His own Son, He would never have allowed Jesus to die for us (John 17:23).

        God showed how much he loved us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we might have eternal life through him. ~1 John 4:9 (NLT)


  3. First of all no. Science does not support God. To draw that conclusion you have to either be a young earth creationist or cherry picking information to for your narrative although since that’s what most young earth creationist do it might be the same thing. If you are not a young earth creationist I apologize and shouldn’t have insulted you like that unless of course you are a homophobic bigot then I take my apology back

    Liked by 1 person

    • First of all no. Science does not support God. To draw that conclusion you have to either be a young earth creationist or cherry picking information to for your narrative although since that’s what most young earth creationist do it might be the same thing. If you are not a young earth creationist I apologize and shouldn’t have insulted you like that unless of course you are a homophobic bigot then I take my apology back

      Thank you for your comments. It does not appear that you chose to read the entire article and then impeach the points that are made. If you care to read the scientific arguments for a universe that exits by intelligence, and make arguments to refute the scientific evidence, I would be happy to give you an answer.

      If you are not able to understand the scientific evidence for a universe that exists by intelligence and refute this evidence, then I certainly understand. At least you had the courage to come to the article and try. That is more than your fellow atheists were able to do.

      I would enjoy a spirited debate if you will take the time to read the points, make intelligent arguments and engage with me for an exchange. Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything, very few lay persons do. Just concentrate on a few points and go from there.

      BTW, I am not a young earth creationist, and I do not believe the Bible teaches the universe was created in six days. I explain this in the article.


  4. As requested..

    There’s a lot here to address but the overall argument I’m seeing here is an ontological argument for God as necessary for the creation of the universe.

    I’ve heard arguments you have made here before however, I see a pattern of error in your logic. So if you will permit me, sir, here is why I find your conclusion that there must be an intelligence behind the formation of the universe to be merely an opinion based on your beliefs.

    I will address the argument for a fine-tuned universe.

    The argument that the universe is designed or “fine-tuned” for life is not provable objectively. I understand that you feel that the “chances of the universe evolving” are too far remote to consider so there must be a designer however that’s a simple argument from improbability. Random chance plays no real part in the evolution of the universe or of living things. Everything in the cosmos is a process of simple natural reactions occurring on the micro level having effects on the macro level. It may look designed and complex however the appearance of complexity doesn’t prove complexity. Improbable does not mean impossible. Improbability is no proof that a thing could not have happened.

    The universe is really indifferent to life and much of it is openly hostile to life. However, when we talk about life we often refer to life as we know it such as carbon-based life if you want a good example of how things can manifest themselves unguided look at carbon it can self assemble numerous different compounds some of which are needed for humans to survive. This idea of searching only for carbon-based life is referred to in science as carbon-chauvinism. There may exist another universe where carbon-based life is rare or that may be the case in our universe. I find it interesting that you mention dark matter as being proof of God however you dismiss the multiverse theory as being simply a “mathematical proof”. Dark Matter is unknown and only a mathematical or theoretical proof that’s why it’s called Dark because it’s unknown.

    The universe is massive and yes much of it is hostile to humans. The logic in creating such as vast universe and being required to create the universe this way to fulfill what we now know of it and so that God could have us as his special “pets” creates problems. An all-powerful God would not be under such restraints to do so. Given we can only see and travel so far in the cosmos does not require a vast and expansive one as we can only see the observable universe there is still a universe beyond that which we know.

    If one supposes that a universe is fine-tuned for life why does that even necessitate a designer? If one supposes that the universe is indeed fine-tuned without understanding all constants can they truly know the universe is fine-tuned? Are they simply viewing it as fine-tuned for life to satisfy a need to make life’s existence more profound in an apathetic cosmos or to bolster their need for a God to exist? To perhaps make their own existence more “special”?

    There’s also the matter of it being too fine-tuned. Could life be overwhelmingly abundant in the universe to the point where our existence is rendered insignificant due to the abundance of life and that we’re not as special as we think? What if there is an advanced alien species that ignores us because we are so uninteresting? That is conjecture but it would really put a dent in the idea that the universe was made just for us

    If all of this seems mere conjecture and speculation understand that’s exactly what your argument is standing upon. Science explains how the natural world works and to require science to explain the supernatural is assumptive. If you could prove a designer even objectively how would you then prove that it is your particular God and not another god that is unknown to us? To argue for science and at the same time assert that science proves that your particular supernatural belief is justified is an incredible non-sequitur.

    I am an atheist as I do not believe in gods but that is merely my opinion as theism is your opinion. Atheism is a choice I make derived from my agnosticism. I simply do not know that a kind of god exists but I can state that the evidence for the God worshipped by Christians, Jews and Muslims is simply based on faith. I do not believe in that God.

    Liked by 1 person

    • As requested..

      There’s a lot here to address but the overall argument I’m seeing here is an ontological argument for God as necessary for the creation of the universe.

      I’ve heard arguments you have made here before however, I see a pattern of error in your logic. So if you will permit me, sir, here is why I find your conclusion that there must be an intelligence behind the formation of the universe to be merely an opinion based on your beliefs.

      I must say that after reading your argument, I am impressed with your thoughts. I do not see this kind of response from a majority of people today. It was thoughtful, intelligent, and well written. After our discussion on Twitter, I was not expecting this from you.

      The primary error that was clear to me as I read your arguments, was the idea that the fine-tuned universe is somehow still in doubt as to whether it is really a fact of science. I want to start with a few facts that are not my opinion, but the consensus of scientists as a whole:

      There is no ambiguity today regarding the provable facts of science as to whether the universe is fine-tuned for life.

      1. The universe as we know it, cannot be explained by natural forces.

      2. The finely-tuned universe, as empirical proof for the existence of God, has no formal logical defects.

      3. The only current explanation for the existence of the universe—which can be tested and verified is the finely-tuned and designed evidence of the universe.

      4. Our universe contains the precise physical constants that have the exact values that are required to allow for complex structures, such as galaxies, stars, planets, and people to exist.
      5. None of these values are possible under any circumstance, by any naturalistic process.

      You described my conclusions in the article as “based upon my beliefs.” The basis of your supposition is incorrect. In fact, my beliefs are based upon the provable science for the universe. This is a common error made by critics of those who believe that God exists; the idea that we cannot separate faith from facts. Unlike many people who have “faith,” I did not grow up in a religious home. We never went to church. God was not discussed. It was not until I was 19 and touring with a rock band that I began a serious search for whether God exists all on my own.

      I read the New Testament narratives of Jesus and was struck by His singularity as a human being. I had never heard or known anyone like Him. This caused me to wonder if God really existed, and could it be proven that He made the universe.

      I began parallel studies in science, cosmology, and history. After many years, I realized that the scientific evidence for the universe and the historical record of Jesus existence were provable by evidence. I continued my education, research, writing, publishing, and teaching for nearly 45 years.

      In answer to your supposition that I believe in God because of “belief” alone, this is incorrect. It is because of the evidence that I presented to you in this article and the 2,200 other articles and 31 books I have published, that I believe God exists. I am a person who must be convinced by the facts of evidence before I will fully commit to anything.

      Regarding the universe, I have simply followed the evidence to its conclusion and found that no scientist can prove that our universe came into existence on its own, or as the result of a prior universe. These are the facts of science and they are not in question.

      As noted in the article, the idea of prior universes as the reason for our own, was created by a few theoretical physicists, because of the conclusive evidence that the universe exists only because it is fine-tuned. If it cannot be proven that the fine-tuning was caused by a natural process, then the only alternative is that it was caused. The causal certainty of the universe requires intelligence in order for the physical constants we can observe, to be possible,

      In the mathematical calculations of Krauss and Hawking, amongst others, it can be postulated that other universes could exist, even an infinite number of other universes. If there are an infinite number of other universes, Hawking and Krauss have stated that it would be perfectly natural to find many universes like our own which exist with the precise fine-tuned constants that make advanced life possible.

      Most atheists use these conclusions as their evidence that the fine-tuned universe is not proof that intelligence, ie, God, was responsible for the cosmos.

      The problem is that what Krauss and Hawking proposed is not provable science. We cannot see beyond our universe to observe if any other universes actually do exit. For this reason, Hawking and Krauss, and all those who propose other universes as the cause of our fine-tuned universe, have failed to prove our universe began as the result of a prior universe.

      If you really take the time to study in great detail, the precise physical constants that exist in our universe, all of which are necessary for human life on earth, there is no possibility that they happened by a natural process. It is not a matter of mathematical probability, but solely because no natural process can achieve a precise physical constant, set precisely, on the first try.

      Every natural process is unguided, and cannot know whether it current process will produce a desirable result, ie., life. When we observe the events that took place when our universe began, we do not see unguided, unknowing processes. We see events that took place in which the outcome must have been known before the universe began.

      You must understand that there was no wiggle room for any of these constants to be off by even as little as 10^40 in their setting, beginning at -430th of a second during the commencement of the universe, and continuing throughout the entire 13.799 billion years history.

      Describe one naturally occurring process that can produce 1,978 precise settings, all at the same time? If the universe began on its own, it would have proceeded in chaos and the universe we now have, would not exist. An unguided universe would never have produced stars, or planets. Given the parameters that existed when the universe began, only a universe of mass chaos would have resulted.

      The most profound principle of our universe that has baffled scientists, is the fact that the universe began with an extreme low state of entropy. This means that the beginning of the universe that started with a massive explosion of energy, did so with extreme order and control. Do you know of any explosion that begins and proceeds by order? By their very nature, an explosion of matter or energy, proceeds undirected and ends up wherever it will end up.

      With our universe, the explosion of energy that began as a tiny, densely compacted particle containing everything that will ever be, exploded with precise and directed processes. Gravity, electromagnetism, the balance of helium and hydrogen, every precise event that had to take place in order to produce a universe that would produce the life we now observe, was precisely controlled.

      How did helium and hydrogen know that if they were produced at 30 seconds into the universe, instead of 3 minutes, the universe would have ended up with primarily helium and very little hydrogen? Of course, the universe could not possibly have known this. Only an intelligent Being was capable of knowing ahead of time what and when hydrogen and helium must be produced. If these two essential elements were produced at 30 seconds instead of 3 minutes, this would have resulted in a universe unable to produce stars. Without first generation stars, second generation stars are impossible. Without second generation stars, the production of carbon is not possible. Without carbon, human life is not possible.

      Every event in the universe depended upon knowledge of when and how much these essential elements must be produced. No natural process is capable of this precision or advanced knowledge of the results.

      How did gravity and electromagnetism know that the ratio of mass between an electron and a proton must be 1:1836, meaning that a proton is 1,836 times larger than an electron? Although there is a great degree of difference between the size of these two parts of an atom, both the electron and proton maintain the exact same electrical charge. With this massive difference in size, how is it possible that both still have the same electrical charge? It’s as if someone knew the precise size difference that was necessary before the first atom existed.

      If the electrical charge of the electron is altered by just one part in 100 billion, the body of every human being on earth would explode.

      Precise Control Of The Expansion

      Theoretical Physicist, Alan Guth, at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, put forth the idea in the 80’s, that if during the initial moments of the Big Bang, (Moment of Creation) the massive expansion of material was not uniform or controlled, the resulting universe would have been quite disorderly.

      Instead, as if by design, a microsecond later, the entire universe jumped in size by ten trillion trillion (10^25). It was at this point that the entire expansion stopped and a normal rate of expansion began. This rapid and sudden expansion stretched out the irregularities of the initial disorderly explosion. Once the rapid expansion ceased and a normal rate of expansion started once again, the material of the universe could expand into an orderly and even universe.⁠

      1.Where did the matter for the universe come from since nothing existed prior to this moment?
      2.What caused the initial sudden expansion?
      3.What force made the expansion stop, only to resume in an orderly fashion?

      There was no prior universe to cause this event, science has proven this conclusively.

      Guth’s proposal is that anti-gravity caused the initial sudden and uneven expansion of matter to be quickly diminished and cease. In the universe’s initial inflation, the expansion of gases was far too fast to form galaxies later in the universe. This problem was solved by the force exerted by antigravity suddenly halting the initial rapid expansion. Incredibly, this all happen in 10-32 seconds (a hundred trillion-trillion-trillionth of a second).⁠ How did a natural process know to exert anti-gravity at that precise moment?

      If Not Controlled—A Drastically Different Universe

      One of the most startling discoveries in the search for evidence of God, by the existence of the universe, was made by mathematical physicists Roger Penrose. Since the Cosmos has a beginning, we understand today that it is winding itself down to a certain heat death in the distant future when all the available energy in the universe will be used up in about 10^100 years.⁠ Penrose said the following:

      “Try to imagine the phase space… of the entire universe. Each point in this phase space represents a different possible way that the universe might have started off.

      We are to picture the Creator, armed with a ‘pin’–which is to be placed at some point in the phase space… Each different positioning of the pin provides a different universe.

      Now the accuracy that is needed for the Creator’s aim depends on the entropy of the universe that is thereby created. It would be relatively ‘easy’ to produce a high entropy universe, since then there would be a large volume of the phase space available for the pin to hit.

      But in order to start off the universe in a state of low entropy – so that there will indeed be a second law of thermodynamics – the Creator must aim for a much tinier volume of the phase space.

      How tiny would this region be, in order that a universe closely resembling the one in which we actually live would be the result?”

      The calculations of Dr. Penrose determined that when God created the universe, the preciseness required to establish a universe balanced for life would be 1 part in 10 to 10^123 power. This is a 1 followed by 10^123 zeros. A number that is so large, it is greater than all of the estimated particles in the entire universe.⁠

      Dr. Penrose is saying that the likelihood that a vastly different universe would have occurred from the one that we have was an absolute certainty. Why then do we have a universe that has developed in such a way that it allows for life?

      Many people are under the impression when they hear the term fine-tuning, that we are speaking of the earth or our solar system which was engineered in such a way to make life possible. Not at all. The fine-tuning began in the initial moments of the Big Bang (creation) when at −430 (seconds) Planck time, electromagnetism, the strong interaction, and the weak interaction, were unified as the electronuclear force, while gravity separated from the electronuclear force.⁠

      If an intelligence had not engineered the precise way in which the initial expansion of energy unfolded at the beginning of the universe, no stars, galaxies, or planets would have formed.

      The Rate Of Expansion For The Early Universe Was Just Right⁠

      If the energy expansion during that first picosecond was slightly larger, then the gravitational forces necessary to form stars and planets would not have taken place.

      If the expansion of energy was slightly smaller, the universe would have collapsed back onto itself.

      If the initial expansion of energy was greater than the capacity of gravitational forces to pull all of this matter back together and eventually form galaxies and stars, life many billions of years later would not have been possible.

      Mathematical physicists have calculated that during the first picosecond of the universe, the expansion of energy and gravitational forces differed by less than 1 part in a million-billion, or 10^15.⁠

      The Amount Of Weak Nuclear Force Was Just Right

      The ratio of protons and neutrons was also perfect to allow helium to form that would be needed for the formation of stars later.

      The Amount Of Strong Nuclear Force Was Just Right

      This allowed helium to burn precisely slow enough so that elements could form.

      The Ratio Of Gravity To Electromagnetism Are Balanced Precisely

      If the ratio between gravity and electromagnetism was increased by only 1 in 10^40, only very small stars would have formed.

      If the ratio were decreased by the same amount, only very large stars would have formed. In order for life to be possible, there must be both large and small stars present in the universe. Large stars produce the elements needed for life small stars burn at the precise rate required to sustain life on a planet, such as earth.

      Physicist and Cosmologist Paul Davies also confirmed that the likelihood the correct ratio of gravity to electromagnetism could have occurred by accident as a 1-in-10^40 chance. The probability that this precise calibration could have occurred on its own would be like trying to hit a coin at the far end of the universe from earth with a single shot.⁠

      When we consider the incredible accuracy required to allow the universe to begin with such precision, we realize that we are living in a universe that was specifically engineered for us. Paul wrote that it was Jesus who made all this possible. It is He who holds it all together. It was this God who came to earth to die for us and showed us what the One True God is like.

      In order to set these physical constants so precisely, the universe would have to know in advance, what the result of an incorrect setting for these constants would result in. If any of the 1,978 constants I showed to you had not been set precisely where they are now, we would have a completely different universe, and there would be not stars, planets, or human life on earth.

      I will address the argument for a fine-tuned universe.

      The argument that the universe is designed or “fine-tuned” for life is not provable objectively. I understand that you feel that the “chances of the universe evolving” are too far remote to consider so there must be a designer however that’s a simple argument from improbability. Random chance plays no real part in the evolution of the universe or of living things. Everything in the cosmos is a process of simple natural reactions occurring on the micro level having effects on the macro level. It may look designed and complex however the appearance of complexity doesn’t prove complexity. Improbable does not mean impossible. Improbability is no proof that a thing could not have happened.

      The existence of the universe by intelligence is not based upon my feelings or a need to validate God by science. It is based upon the facts of science which are provable and conclude that every important event that took place during the construction of the universe, were only possible be intelligent acts, not by a natural process. You will understand this if you look at the evidence objectively yourself.

      If you believe the universe exists by natural processes, then please explain to me how the universe could set 1,978 physical constants precisely the first time without error? These constants were not achieved over a process of trial and error as with an evolutionary procedure. They were set precisely the first time, the way that an intelligent person would know what a setting should be ahead of time and then set these constants precisely at the required parameter.

      The only conclusion that we can arrive at when we see all of these values existing as they do is that they were set this way for a reason; to allow human life on earth. How do we know this? When they are set in this manner, human life is possible. If they are changed or removed, human life cannot exist. The universe could not know this. Only a person with a mind could understand and engineer the universe to proceed to this outcome.

      Did you see the page where these constants are listed? Examine the type and variable of these physical attributes and answer how any natural process is capable of this.

      1,978 Physical Constants

      You will find that no natural process can achieve what you have alleged here. The universe doesn’t look designed, it is designed. The existence of 1,978 preset physical constants is the result of intelligence, not micro level effects upon the macro level outcome.

      The universe is really indifferent to life and much of it is openly hostile to life. However, when we talk about life we often refer to life as we know it such as carbon-based life if you want a good example of how things can manifest themselves unguided look at carbon it can self assemble numerous different compounds some of which are needed for humans to survive. This idea of searching only for carbon-based life is referred to in science as carbon-chauvinism

      This is great conjecture, but science has only proven that advanced life forms like man, only exist as carbon based beings. The idea that there may be other life forms that are also advanced, based upon other compounds is completely unprovable.

      There may exist another universe where carbon-based life is rare or that may be the case in our universe. I find it interesting that you mention dark matter as being proof of God however you dismiss the multiverse theory as being simply a “mathematical proof”. Dark Matter is unknown and only a mathematical or theoretical proof that’s why it’s called Dark because it’s unknown.

      Please show me the scientific evidence that proves that any other universe where carbon based life forms are also rare, actually exist? There is no evidence that this is true. This idea is based upon complete conjecture. I prefer to stay with the facts of science that we do know today; advanced carbon based life forms only exist on earth, or perhaps somewhere else in our universe.

      I didn’t say “dark matter proves God.” I said: Dark Matter acts to make two very large bodies appear to repel each other, with their repelling force increasing the farther apart these two bodies get from each other. This is the opposite effect of gravity which acts to slow cosmic expansion. Science has now proven that the cosmic expansion rate has been accelerating during the last half of the universe, due to dark energy as an dominant component acting upon this expansion.

      What this mean is that the presence of dark matter demands a recent cosmic beginning, so recent, a natural or accidental beginning of the universe or human life on earth is impossible. Atheist’s nearly always seek to refute dark matter because it proves a fine-tuned universe that resulted from intelligence, necessary by a thinking Being.

      The universe is massive and yes much of it is hostile to humans. The logic in creating such as vast universe and being required to create the universe this way to fulfill what we now know of it and so that God could have us as his special “pets” creates problems. An all-powerful God would not be under such restraints to do so. Given we can only see and travel so far in the cosmos does not require a vast and expansive one as we can only see the observable universe there is still a universe beyond that which we know.

      “an all-powerful God would not be under such constraints…”

      I always find it curious that atheists seek to dictate their wisdom upon the actions of God. Do you really think that as a transient being of about 100 years in life-duration, that you are capable of understanding the mind or actions of a Transcendent Being who is eternal, perfect in knowledge, and knows all things?

      By the very existence of the universe itself, understanding what was required to engineer and build a universe like ours, what God knows and how He does things should always elicit nothing more from us than “you know Lord.” We don’t know anything, especially about the universe that God made. Whatever it is that we think we know, it is infinitesimal compared to what God must know.

      If one supposes that a universe is fine-tuned for life why does that even necessitate a designer?

      It’s is really very simple: a fine-tuned universe is not possible by a natural process. If the universe did not happen by a natural process, it was caused. If it was caused and exhibits the evidence of intelligent decisions that were made before the universe existed so that it could proceed under a guided process, this proves that a Being of unlimited intelligence was necessary.

      Fine-tuned, necessitated intelligence because natural processes cannot fine-tune anything.

      If one supposes that the universe is indeed fine-tuned without understanding all constants can they truly know the universe is fine-tuned? Are they simply viewing it as fine-tuned for life to satisfy a need to make life’s existence more profound in an apathetic cosmos or to bolster their need for a God to exist? To perhaps make their own existence more “special”?

      You are speaking of the fine-tuned universe as though it was still in doubt. We know the universe is fine-tuned. We know what these constants are; I provided a link at the article to examine these 1,978 constants.

      Scientists did not create the idea that the universe is fine-tuned and then make up a list of 1,978 constants. This is the evidence that the universe presents to us by the existence of these physical properties of our universe.

      There’s also the matter of it being too fine-tuned. Could life be overwhelmingly abundant in the universe to the point where our existence is rendered insignificant due to the abundance of life and that we’re not as special as we think? What if there is an advanced alien species that ignores us because we are so uninteresting? That is conjecture but it would really put a dent in the idea that the universe was made just for us

      Again, there is no such thing as “too fine-tuned.” Either these constants are set precisely with no variable possible, or the universe doesn’t exist. If you read the article carefully, you will learn that the variances of these constants have extremely low tolerance for change + or -, from 1-^15 to 1-^40.

      This is the very nature of fine-tuned constants; they cannot be altered without destroying the universe.

      If all of this seems mere conjecture and speculation understand that’s exactly what your argument is standing upon. Science explains how the natural world works and to require science to explain the supernatural is assumptive. If you could prove a designer even objectively how would you then prove that it is your particular God and not another god that is unknown to us? To argue for science and at the same time assert that science proves that your particular supernatural belief is justified is an incredible non-sequitur.

      The beauty of the fine-tuned universe is that it is not based on conjecture as the other universes theories are. The fine-tuned universe is a fact of known science and there is no ambiguity in whether this is true or not.

      Regarding who the Creator is, that is a subject for another debate. The fact is; extreme intelligence is required for our universe to exist, this is beyond dispute.

      I am an atheist as I do not believe in gods but that is merely my opinion as theism is your opinion. Atheism is a choice I make derived from my agnosticism. I simply do not know that a kind of god exists but I can state that the evidence for the God worshipped by Christians, Jews and Muslims is simply based on faith. I do not believe in that God.

      Everything in our lives is dependent upon our own personal choice. I choose to live my life based upon what science and history has proven to me and I live accordingly. You seem to live your life based upon what others like you believe and you concur.

      I am a bit of a rebel and I do not follow anyone else, or the majority.

      Thank you for taking time to make great arguments. I enjoyed this exchange of ideas and hope that we might do it again sometime soon.

      The heavens proclaim the glory of God.
      The skies display his craftsmanship.
      Day after day they continue to speak;
      night after night they make him known.
      They speak without a sound or word;
      their voice is never heard.
      Yet their message has gone throughout the earth,
      and their words to all the world
      ~Psalms 19:1-4 (NLT)


      • Science does explain how the universe came about via natural forces. The scientific arguments you’re employing can only vouch for natural events. To say that science cannot explain how the universe can come about via natural forces just sounds very odd in itself because that’s exactly what it’s doing

        The universe is not fine tuned for life. Life simply fine tuned itself to the universe.


      • Science does explain how the universe came about via natural forces. The scientific arguments you’re employing can only vouch for natural events. To say that science cannot explain how the universe can come about via natural forces just sounds very odd in itself because that’s exactly what it’s doing The universe is not fine tuned for life. Life simply fine tuned itself to the universe.

        It does not appear that you actually read the entire article that you referenced in these comments. If you had, I supplied you with all of the scientific evidence that the universe does exist, only because of intelligent acts that have transpired.

        Perhaps you should go back and not scan the article, but actually read it and then make an argument for the individual points that are stated which prove that intelligence is responsible for our universe that can support human life.

        If you insist on asserting a universe by natural processes, which could produce the 1,978 physical constants I listed on my website, please tell me here how all of these constants could exist by a natural process? I would be very interested to hear your scientific explanation since no scientist has ever been able to achieve this feat.


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