Abortion Is Overturned: What It Means For America

The news that Abortion was never a right guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States, came to our nation early this morning. For 50 years people who love God and live their lives for Him, have prayed, interceded, and stood against the horror of murdering children in the womb.

Secular humanists and atheists insist that the Supreme Court ruling in 1973 which guaranteed abortion as a fundamental right, is a sign that God is dead in America. That view has been overturned today, and what God is doing through His people, has been made known.

Christians never ceased praying and asking the Lord to overturn this unjust ruling that was never in the Bill of Rights for American citizens. The founders of our nation and the framers of the Constitution could never have imagined that a law would be made that allowed the killing of babies in the womb.

Roe v. Wade was unjustly decided as a political action; it was never decided based upon the law.

We should never think that evil is overcoming our nation. We should never believe that atheism will overcome faith in Christ and a belief in the Bible as the Word of God. The Lord birthed America, and directed the Constitution and Bill of Rights, to make this nation a shining light on a hill for the whole world.

In the last 50 years many have doubted that we would ever live up to that calling. Today we learned that God is not finished, even when we can’t see any evidence that He is working. We all pray that this day is the first of many in which people return to God, trust in Jesus, and believe again that the Bible is the Word of God.

Categories: Abortion, America Abandons God, America: a Christian Nation, Brett Kavanaugh, First Amendment, Forgiveness of Sin, Freedom of Religion, How Salvation Occurs, Jesus Church, Prayer For America, Religion vs. Relationship, Robert Clifton Robinson, Salvation is a free gift, Second Amendment, The Authority of God, The Founding Fathers, The Founding of America, The Importance of the Bible, The U.S. Constitution, We must see our need

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